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Everything posted by rob190364

  1. What I don't understand is how they'd prove the breeding.....pitbulls and dogos are quite distinctive, but you could easily end up with a dog that looked like a fila or a tosa with a mastiff cross, because essentially, that's all they are anyway!
  2. i shit you not mate.. importation fees are not cheep my friend. I remember him doing this, in fact he has a picture of me holding one. He also has all the documents of the import.. i was just kidding bout the birth certificates.. but he does have al the documents. As in previous posts, my grandad is well off.. hes not bothered about money or making or making a profit from breeding. His brother met a woman who was from Eurasia after a few years they married and moved over there. My grandad and his brother were ferreters in there youth, my grandads brother carried on ferreting when he moved over
  3. I have a serious case of CBA this week!

    1. 6pack


      And it's highly contagious!

    2. Lab


      reading this i have a serious case of WTF.!!

  4. How did the list of banned dogs in the UK come about? There are four dogs banned - pitbull, dogo, tosa and fila braziliero......you can see why the pitbull would be banned in this country because it was quite widely spread and it doesn't take a genius to work out what happens when a dog like that is in the wrong hands, but the others on the list confuse me because I wouldn't have thought they'd be a common sight in the UK even if they weren't banned? and what made them ban those dogs specifically? I know they have the power/temprament to cause serious harm in the wrong hands but so do other
  5. you're probably on about a polecat coloured jill, rather than an actual polecat. If I'm right you're not actually talking about cross breeding anything, they're just two ferrets that are different colours.
  6. It's not as shit as all the EU polecat threads!
  7. over the years?? you're 22!!!!!! Why do people keep telling my how old i am? say iv been ferreting since i was 8? thats 14 years of ferreting.. thats a decent amount of years to pick up stories? and i also said i could be rong, that it all could be a load of boll#x 'stories' being the operative word!
  8. Dear Bogger Are ferret100 and shoota matt actually the chuckle brothers in disguise and can I beat them both to death with their micro eu greyhound polecats for committing crimes against ferreting and common sense in general? Pleeeeeaase
  9. over the years?? you're 22!!!!!!
  10. his feckin grandad paid £17k for a few ferrets :laugh: :laugh: you should have pointed him in my direction, I could have done him 6 for £10k and they would have come with birth certificates, a full family tree, party hats and a video of them all doing the hokey cokey!
  11. my mrs has been saying she's going out for the last hour and a half....wish she'd hurry up, sick of staring at the inprivate browsing button!!!

  12. To much watching action movies on TV
  13. See that? That's where you've just lost your credibility. Call it youthful exuberance or whatever, but you've just boasted to a bloke on an internet forum that you can almost guarantee that your ferrets are superior. Now, you don't know the fella from Adam, and the UK is a hotbed of working ferret owners. In your (narrow) mind you obviously think what you and your grandad do is superior to anyone else in the UK. That is a very blinkered approach to life & in my mind show's you up either as very naive or very inexperienced. ..and to top it off, anyone who can call themselves a 'rescue'
  14. See that? That's where you've just lost your credibility. Call it youthful exuberance or whatever, but you've just boasted to a bloke on an internet forum that you can almost guarantee that your ferrets are superior. Now, you don't know the fella from Adam, and the UK is a hotbed of working ferret owners. In your (narrow) mind you obviously think what you and your grandad do is superior to anyone else in the UK. That is a very blinkered approach to life & in my mind show's you up either as very naive or very inexperienced. ..and to top it off, anyone who can call themselves a 'rescue'
  15. birth certificates for ferrets right thats fkn it I keep them so i can keep on track of blood lines and so on... I know it sounds crazy, but its the way i keep a file on all the ferrets i breed, and have done for many years, between me and my grandfather we have 46 years of experience in breeding ferrets, keeping birth certificates, is an easier way of keeping track on what we breed. So laugh all you want bud but we are well known for the line of workers we breed, only breeding when we have certain homes for em' too. And the way we keep track of the blood lines works a treat, believe
  16. birth certificates for ferrets right thats fkn it I keep them so i can keep on track of blood lines and so on... I know it sounds crazy, but its the way i keep a file on all the ferrets i breed, and have done for many years, between me and my grandfather we have 46 years of experience in breeding ferrets, keeping birth certificates, is an easier way of keeping track on what we breed. So laugh all you want bud but we are well known for the line of workers we breed, only breeding when we have certain homes for em' too. And the way we keep track of the blood lines works a treat, believe
  17. I used to do it a lot Rob though it is dependant on the type of warrens your ferreting.........it can be action packed in the right areas. Yeah, the farm I go on had a lot of warrens actually in the hedgerows themselves, netting them was a ball ache, took forever and resulted in plently of tangles, should be easier with the dog on those warrens because I can cover a fair few warrens and any bolters are running into fields with no cover around. The other land I ferret has some exits in the open and some near cover so I'll net the ones near cover and leave the others open. Really looking
  18. Does anyone use just a dog with the ferts and leave the nets at home? This is going to by my first season using a dog and my intention is to use the nets as little as possible. Not bothered about massive bags, just looking forward to seeing the dog (hopefully) do the business on the bolters.
  19. my lurcher loves it. I go to the river, chuck a ball in for her to fetch, then chuck it across the field a couple of times, then back in the water....and just keep doing that for about an hour, good way of giving her decent exercise when it's warm without her overheating.
  20. To be honest, sometimes I think people miss experiencing things properly by faffing around with cameras/video cameras etc. As everyone knows, seeing things like that is far better in the flesh than on a recording....so why sit there with it happening in front of your eyes, looking at a bloody view finder. When I was about 8 years old I was rabbiting with my uncle in woods and just as it was coming light a barn owl came swooping through the trees towards us, utterly silent and in that light it was truly an amazing sight. Twenty six years on and I can still remember it as if it was yesterd
  21. What a pathetic statement mate,suppose you loved the riots aswell. Obviously your still a kid and don't have to pay insurance yet,ask your mum or dad about it.Maybe you'll learn a thing or two... :laugh: he has got a point though mate, even if you're insured you end up paying a fair bit extra over the years due to increased premiums/loss of no claims etc. I had a radio nicked out of a focus a few years back, had 8 years no claims and stupidly made a claim for it. The radio was only worth £400 but they slashed 5 years off my no claims and my premium the following year was over
  22. no they forced the bottom half of a stable door style back door...car key was near front door next to wallet so they went right through the house to get it...cheeky or what! neighbour heard them drive off at 4 am, her husband got up for a drink at 3.30am and they get up at 5am....they could easily have walked in on them and they could well have been armed!
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