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Everything posted by rob190364

  1. A black tit or a white one ? what did you put?
  2. yes, it's an awfully complicated name for them....they're called baby monitors forgot to say, they have a thermometer on the camera aswell and the temperature is displayed on the screen, so if you had the camera actually in the incubator you could check the temperature aswell! sorted
  3. yes, it's an awfully complicated name for them....they're called baby monitors
  4. Probably helping out that Angelina woman and her kids, MY Brad really is a kind hearted soul you do know he's a fudger don't you?
  5. you leave a camera facing the cot and have a screen next to your bed so you can see and hear the baby....kind of like a mini cctv set up. The alarm is so that if the camera failed for whatever reason (fuse, power cut etc) you'd be able to go and sort out the problem. They're quite expensive though but you can get cheaper ones without a camera (just a microphone next to the baby and a speaker next to the bed, so you can hear if the baby cries, they're much cheaper and would still have the alarm on them so that'd be the best bet I reckon.
  6. fair play! my ex wife used to watch all the soaps.....coronation st then emerdale farm, then coronation street again, then eastenders....every single night, and if I went away to do something else she's moan that we weren't spending time together she basically wanted me sat next to her while she watched that shite....and then if there was a match on that I wanted to watch she'd say I was hogging the telly!!! insane :censored: :censored: my current partner doesn't watch any soaps thank god. Jesus.....I'd rather go pike fishing using my own gonads for bait than watch one episode
  7. how about........ while lamping my dog last night it hit a fence and now it's head is just hanging on by a single tendon.....anyone got any advice on what I should do?
  8. Have you got any EU poley's I'm only after ones with a birth certificate mind. yes I've got six as it happens......only £600k, bargain
  9. The electric here is rather fragile Rob, goes off with wind, heavy rain, snow, or just cos it feels like it I have incubators and electric hens on the go, the last lot of eggs perished due to the power going off through the night, it does happen quite a bit like i say but the last time it must have gone off not long after going to bed and eggs were stone cold in the morning. If it had been the colder weather the chicks under the leccy hen would possibly have perished also. I had a back up battery several years ago for the PC, when the leccy went out it used to give off a loud alarm, have
  10. lucky ...................you that is, not her :laugh:
  11. A couple of people in the ferreting section at the moment who think they know it all but actually know sod all..........can't say it gets me raging but it's very irritating.
  12. Surely to god people ride bikes in the rain Rob, i looked into those, all reviews slated the decibels, said they are not as loud as advertised, not loud enough to wake you up ah right........just out of interest, what do you need it for? fish tank or something?
  13. There are a fair few people on here (myself included) who spend a fair few hours on THL.....what are your partners doing while you're on here? Mine moans if I log on in the evening.....summat to do with spending time together I think she said (wasn't really listening at the time ). I know labs mrs is on the game, and judges mrs is putting his frock and makeup on ready for cabaret, so they get a fair amount of spare time, but what about everyone else?
  14. is Wrexham the only place in the country where the ground is still rock hard? judging by the number of people lamping already I think it must be!

    1. Lab


      Your right rob....you leave Mr Tiddles to you think the ground is right....;-0

    2. rob190364


      lab, not everyones dog just bounces when they fall on hard ground!

    3. rob190364


      as if by magic...it's pouring down, happy days!

    4. Show next comments  588 more
  15. you could try making them a slide out of a piece of gutter maybe? mine used to climb up the front of the cage on the hutch and then slide back down the cage by releasing their grip a bit and would land on their backsides. When I made my current hutch I made it so there's not a big enough piece of mesh for them to climb up......I had a hob once who damaged his spine, not sure how he did it but he was in the hutch on his own at the time so must have done it this way. One day he was fine, the next day he was dragging his back legs around. Vet confirmed he's damaged his spine and I ended up
  16. Shit! that was well lucky! sounds like a proper freak accident to me, I'd invest in bigger or smaller dishes though if I were you so they either don't fit in the gap at all or just fall straight though it.
  17. I wouldn't bother getting someone out for a seal, just order one and do it yourself, can't be difficult.
  18. random! I know you can definitely get your rubber seal replaced, and here's an alarm for power failure - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-POWER-OUT-Power-Failure-Warning-Alarm-Flashlight-/350149838020?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51868e84c4
  19. nutella....proof that there really is a god!

  20. Lookin good! proper healthy looking pup
  21. I used to keep a BB pistol when a big tom cat used to keep trying to get my fish, it was a right cheeky git about it and would stay there until I started opening the door and then it was run off along the fence. Shot it up the arse with a plastic BB when it was making its escape and it never came in the garden again. How secure is your garden though if the dog keeps getting in? I know dogs shouldn't be wandering around but if you've got a fence hanging down or no gate then you're asking for trouble really.
  22. I've never actually bred ferrets myself but whenever I've been to collect ferret kits from other people the litter has just been a mix of polecat coloured and albinos, they never had sandy coloured ones.
  23. Not according to the government website http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/HomeAndCommunity/InYourHome/AnimalsAndPets/DG_180098 To be honest, and I'm sure people would know a lot more than me on this, but I wouldn't have thought they'd do a lot about it unless you were suspected or guilty of doing something else, or were blatantly flaunting them or acting anti social? There's a couple of lads near me that have pitbulls, the dogs are fine and don't show any signs of aggression, the lads are friendly enough and seem to keep themselves to themselves, and a few times I've seen them walk past copp
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