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Everything posted by zeb

  1. after having a look at the links supplied and a vote of conferenced i will give it a go i go a little question what lubes should i get, and is there anything i will need to replace or is that a wait and see what happens ? thanks guys n gal's
  2. so i am thinking of taking apart my HW35 air rifle and im looking for some guidance tbh im a bit worried that i will end up ith part every were thou i do think i will be able to do it any info on what to do would be much appreciated thanks in advance
  3. ah right that would make more sense so what part am i looking for the spring that fits into the latch so CS190 on diagram ? or the latch itslef ? EC010 http://www.gunspares.co.uk/showcatimage.asp?id=24562
  4. umm im a noob to air rifle matence so what is this part ? and this is the spares page with a diagram of the gun http://www.gunspares.co.uk/shopdisplayproducts.asp?page=2
  5. My problem is that when i close the barrel (brack barrel) it donst always click into place if u know what i mean, it will come back open just a little, enough to blow the breach seal out a bit and fire the pellet but the barrel is pointing towards the ground, i hope this makes scene any ideas whats going on here ? if i close it a bit harder it will lock in but not always
  6. well messege is past on he now think that theu might be hover flys lol but thaks all
  7. Hi guys got a question for u were my mum work's (big house) the garden's lawn have these insects that hover about 6 inches off the ground, they look like a wasp from the front and a bee from behind they make worm hole size holes in the ground, the gardener was told by a farmer to put lime on the area affected (big ring of dead grass were they are)so he did and they seem to of just moved down the lawn ]= he dont think they are hover flys so I was just wondering if anyone had any idea what they might be ?
  8. just wanted to say the link no longer works ]= or is it just me gd work guys oh yea im new here and have been lurking reading bits and spoted the link is dead
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