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Everything posted by alanmc

  1. im from co durham so its abit far to travel. Atb alan
  2. this is my lad hes only just over 24tts at 21mnths hes doin good hes 5/8 grey 2/8 collie 1/8 bull has speed to burn plenty brain too much at times and a good jaw. hes not massive but has a good build. i had his dam also she was beardie/borderxgrey a very fast clever dog who killed loads of blue hares pre ban mostly on her own on the cairgorm hills but lacked a bit of bottle so put her to a 3/4 grey bull and the result was exactly what i wanted. ive had other crosses but this one suits me best. thats a nice dog Steve its bred the same as my bitch. She stands at 25 tts and is also a good
  3. hi mate so where about's is this garden centre at? Im from durham aswell cheers alan
  4. hi mate so where about's is this garden centre at? Im from durham aswell cheers alan
  5. hi im thinking about buying a new silencer for my axsor. Any suggestions welcome. Cheers alan
  6. nice looking dog mate! So how's he bred?
  7. thats a bargain mate wish i lived closer! Good luck with the sale
  8. nice stamp them! Looks like they hav been busy
  9. i always remove the batterys from the collar and they seem 2 last me allot longer.
  10. the one with the fox hitting the net in mid flight is great thats the one i was thinkin of aswell
  11. i had pup that did that, it never ate its own tho! Thankfully it grew out of it.
  12. saluki greyhound whipet. Thats my guess
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