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Everything posted by sureshot11

  1. They sell out very quickly but worth the wait.
  2. Mag came from N V SCOPES FAO Clive £48.00 well worth it all steel with a slot in the side to see how many shots left .
  3. Hi wildcat mod my own thumbhole stock with a good gap between the barrel and stock , I clean after a box has gone though it (not boresnake) but most of the time I just clean the mod , just bought a 8 shot mag aswell very nice.
  4. Hi mine will shoot most things but Remmingtons are what it likes the best will do a 5 pence group at 100 yards when I do my part.
  5. I`v got a Anshutz 1517HB wildcat mod and a thumbhole stock I made Bushnell 6500 scope and It loves Remminton loads
  6. While out with the HMR with my lamp on the top of scope when I fire theres a white flash then cant see if I hit the rabbit or not just the sound . Is this normal or should I move the lamp higher or get a friend to hold the lamp? ( I`v just cleaned it but had 5 rounds though it before we when out).
  7. Mine loved H&N field target but every gun likes different ones .
  8. I made my own simple to do but a waste of time with my scope and not worth £20.
  9. I`m keen just cant do this weekend (working) talk soon.
  10. Hi sell the rapid to me then , but as for FAC second hand there around £450 complete kit
  11. Hi I see that you have 2 standard rifles in that case I would get the Rapid done to FAC 30lb is about right with 16gr pellets , but its not just turning up the power as the standard springs etc cant take the power for long .
  12. hi pal saturday or sunday even monday Hi I would love too but working this weekend ,if you offer again please Pm me cheers .
  13. I used rolled up card sprayed matt black inside about 4 inchs long now stops glare and now a better spot not a flood light.
  14. BASC for me, wouldnt wast my money on the BASA slow and crap service
  15. Good stuff mate, see its always best to try before you buy Kyle ty 4 help guys Hi glad you like the 410 but did you try the TDR 177/22 I have one great gun but I have Rapids aswell all great .
  16. i`v had a evo like the fennman it`s a marmite gun you like or not I didnt F...ing horrid now have anice 97k by SFS , I found the power was cr.p on shot 1 needed to put a few though it then it warmed up to 11ish after that , so try before you buy.
  17. I have to agree with the above but they do have there place I`v got 2 FAC Rapids 177&22 945fps in both 10.5 and 18gr zero at 45 yards and take out to yards no problem , people I know do longer but I leave that for my 17HMR, the difference between 177 and 22 is after 50 yards the 22 drops more ,but if you sell the 22 will shift better.If you fancy a drive meet up and I`ll take you out to try.
  18. If it isnt sold I`ll take it please.
  19. My Mk2`s reg I fill to 232 2 FAC and 1 standard
  20. sureshot11


    Hi I`ll take these please pm details of payment I`ll return mine.
  21. Hi cant seem to get pics to work can you send them to me please.
  22. My Rapid running at 35 with 18 gr is zerod at 45 yards , 15 yard zero 30 yards is 1/2 inch hold under .
  23. Hi they are nice guns mine was a 410 classic .177 150 shots from a 210 charge and no power curve sold that and now have a TDR in 22 with a reg NEVER selling that one , all the best.
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