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Everything posted by davemu

  1. my old girl 12 in april does not do much now just the odd night she prefers to lie on the sofa now as she has erned it
  2. all you need is a whippet built like this and no reverse gear
  3. your wasting your money mate water is the best thing
  4. he is 9 months old and a non ped racing whippet he weighs 38lb
  5. here is a couple off pics off my pup
  6. i only put this up to see how many so called hunters would react as the reaction to some off the pms i recieved that where quite nasty to you twats i am not a stupid kid i have run dogs for 40 years and run them on all game. ihave come to the conclusion that most people on here are total wankers and do not have a clue about dogs and to the few that put me up to this you where right they are tossers
  7. what you on about you prick you never giving a pup a run on something that is a challenge when you have a dog that can back it up
  8. took my pup out for the first time on lamp to night he is a non ped whippet 26 weeks old to day he got 2 out off 3 rabbits then he had a go at some thing that bites back he was doubled up on the bitter with my old lurther bitch but he was well keen and did not back down
  9. it is all ready in the new law it comes under( intent to go looking for)
  10. i run lurchers and race whippets and they are easy to keep fit all this dribble about 10 mile walks and running behind vans is bullshite half hour free running on the beech am and pm good diet and short walks keeps them fit enough to race or hunt
  11. when you bring it to the scottish derby there will be dogs to good for it
  12. the best looking litter of pups i have seen on here they are a credit to you
  13. i think he has had him on the pies
  14. sent you a message mate i am willing to pay you but get back asp so i can come down on sunday
  15. a dog is for life not for passing from pillar to post all lurchers are good they only have bad or crap owners who no nothing

  16. the dogs are a credit to you mate some crackers
  17. they are out by me seen a couple last night
  18. nice pup you have there mate all the best with it
  19. keep up the good work it will be well worth it next year
  20. hi its about time i said hello i have been on for awhile just watching and reading some interesting posts, happy hunting
  21. hi mate is the dog still for sale as i am intrested i live in scotland
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