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About pandamonia

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 29/09/1984

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  • Location
    In The Dark
  1. i know that i cannot influence the crack of the bullet but if i could shoot maybe a 223 or a 204 ruger with the same report as my HMR then that would be great. i was at kingsbury range and the noise was deafening with those .243 calibres and muzzle breaks. i suppose what i want is a powerful foxing gun that doesnt disturb the peace anymore than my 17hmr does. is a 22 hornet the way to go? or maybe 204 ruger? or .223? with a big mod
  2. i will always go modded since i hate the bang when shooting. just wasnt sure if one caliber sonic boom was louder than another depending on calibre.
  3. Yes 17hmr is RUBBISH for fox, I had one for 2 years and although I only shot 2 foxes with it, had to shoot both of them at least twice, (I have two centrefires so never set out to shoot a fox with the 17) That said who's watching when you are out and about? Also neither fox made it to fight another day. I've also shot loads of foxes with a .22 rimfire, to be honest at close range (less than 75 yards) the .22 performed better than the 17. Anyway a centrefire .22 is the lowest rung for foxes in my opinion, and it seems in most police authority areas as well. AndyF My 17hmr put a hole
  4. Was night shooting my 17hmr the other night with a SAK mod and it didnt half make some racket! it got me thinking about how loud is loud. with the BEST moderator can you get a .223 or .243 down to the noise of a moderated 17hmr? or does it just get louder the bigger the calibre??? i really want to start doing some centerfire foxing as i know the FEO is going to be in a tizwoz when i want my open cert and have never owned a centerfire before. also i know that its the supersonic crack that makes the noise and not the muzzle bang but is the crack louder with a bigger bullet?
  5. i think it all depends on what flo you get in the area also. mine is very fast. took my dads ticket from start to finish 8 weeks which is fast for them. someone else i no went there once in malvern and had it done well he waited.. not a grant i may add. but a change to his ticket. just got to keep on at them Well one peice of luck might be that 1 permission was part of a bigger permission which i think has shooters on which has been cleared so the boundary still comes under the original check, i think m going to call the FEO direct to see if i can get the other done. sigh
  6. both perms are not cleared for anything, one used to be a part of another piece of land which is now stand alone so im betting they will argue that its needs doing again. one also has a public footpath right in the middle which is never used. i shoot at night and used to shoot air rifles on there and never seen 1 person walk the path. i wonder if there is a law about closed certs, it sounds to me like a wishful thinking rule rather than a official requirement to close peoples certs. as we all know the police make it up as they go if they can get away with it. i shoot right on th
  7. I have had my cert now for a few months and shot well over 1000 22lr and 750 17hmr over land thats cleared for .243 i have 2 new permissions that are owned by the same family of my current one. West mercia have my permission slips for nearly 2 months and when i ring they cant even find a record of them, my local force has faxed them 3 times now and still no phone call. They also say they wont call me they will call the land owner, which is useless since they wont be the one shooting there. They could easily say no its not suitable since they dont know any information on where i ta
  8. Depends which you buy. Most the stuff in the UK isnt much cop. mostly russian origin. i use gen 3 US, but getting hold of it is as hard as saving up for it
  9. i wouldnt buy anything from those Crooks. Period. i use a PVS14 Gen 3 US, This IS the best night vision in the world. expensive but you only cry once when you pay. you buy crap and you will cry many times.
  10. cheers [bANNED TEXT] educate yourself on NV before you buy mate trust me
  11. Well i live near dudley and my dad lives tamworth so we both be looking around there
  12. you have a point.. which is why i wont turn up in full camo like most do. probly a good idea to go after work while im still suited up. wont look like a redneck with a rifle then.
  13. well i suppose it saves him from having to do it or pay for it?
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