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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Mate done similar with masking tape.. Gaffa tape is the way forward
  2. Looks well built and very capable
  3. Is that Sal lurcher over bull greyhound mate ??
  4. Your right there Malt.. You will be writing the lads number on toilet walls next
  5. heard this same song about mal x and they was found to be just bigged up cyber dogs,if the gsd was as great as you say then why are they not popular Most lurcher owners are messers.. GSD & Mals for real dog men
  6. Giro


    I am with you on this mate.. I had a few bit and bobs before, books & leads & they arrived next day.. I dont know whats happened to him but he gone off the radar.. I hope the lads ok, I still want my gear to though
  7. Giro


    Dont know his real name rake. He may well be ill,banged up or had a family crisis. If anyone has some details maybe i can discuss it with the man. Cheers
  8. Giro


    Someone here must know him personally ... Its disappointing, he sold stuff previously with no hassle..
  9. Since I went onto Google chrome , I have had no problems with photo bucket..
  10. Giro


    Does any have contact details for this chap ??
  11. Shame that John Coffey never got off
  12. IF it was mine i would feed it as much as it could eat.. Had young dog eating 3lb of lamb & beef trim I give my adults at least 2lb and biscuit..
  13. Nice one fella.. Did you have an assistant or did you work alone ??
  14. Looks like you have had some good sport.. Do you still keep the lurchers ?? When I first came on here and that hardcore hunting used to enjoy your posts mate.. Pre ban of course
  15. Do on line search for local gun clubs mate.. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=google&oq=goo&aqs=chrome.2.69i59j69i57j0l4.2257j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8
  16. Surprized you all fit in the Jimny.. My pal had one. With two dogs and a load of ferreting gear it was snug
  17. Out of interest whats the advantage in this cross, over a line bred coursing type ??
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