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Everything posted by Giro

  1. If only they was closer Intresting wee cross, would be good to see how they turn out.. Not my bag but sure they would make a good wee ratching and ferreting dug..
  2. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiRdj5j16KVnJZxZKHNEVJA/videos
  3. Giro


    Strong Stuff Heavy Duty Dog Gear 3 hours ago Not sure some people understand where these collars come from ..... I MAKE THEM TO ORDER, every single one you see is made by one person. They are not like the "Made in Monkeyland" crap you see on other sites, these are BRITISH MADE from BRITISH parts and materials, by a BRITISH person who has IMMENSE PRIDE in their products. They are more expensive than the mass produced junk, there's a reason for that, if you don't get that reason then please don't post your illiterate "owmuch" on my wall, I'll just delete it, simply jog along to your nearest pro
  4. Is it one Mr pits list yet ??? Looking forward to watching it
  5. Tidy looking bitch Jim... Good result for you both..
  6. Thats a really good gesture JD The lads that's got the book should fess up and pass it along..
  7. Yeah stig it could of been a good opportunity... Few Book Swaps on Moochers..
  8. Who had it last Feild Marshall & he claims he gave it to Inan ?? But he has not confirmed this ?? Come on who ever you are. You were quick enough to take it, pass it along..
  9. Snoops Munchie Good proper all rounder.. Caught daytime hares on the fen and 60 rabbits in the dales.. If I wanted a bitched lined its his I would go to.. He throws a strong pup.. Some pictures on Moochers of a recent litter..
  10. Its a poor effort.. The book only got to 3/4 members, then someone chored it..
  11. Bad gear boxes mate.. I had a bearing kit fitted for £450 Google them its the 6 speed ?? Same as Mariva- astra ... Cheap place in Bradford do Reconditioned and fitted Gear boxes £800.. That was the cheapest in UK when I looked 2 years ago..
  12. That's well cheap Surely with meat it would not be a bad mixer ??? I have never heard of it before..
  13. Aye him in the towns f***ing rotten.. I got a bin liner full off him for a tenner.. It was rank lol.. Old Nattrass would fire fresh beef through the mincer in front of your eyes.. I wont gan there now Top deal meats & Pioneer do best bones cheap treats..
  14. 8x2 its £8 a box Sometimes get necks or carcasses.. I could get to newcastle and back for under £15 Its cheap 50p a kilo its less than half price compared to DAF just you dont get much variety for the dogs.. Sometimes get bit of fatty lamb or gear on the turn for butcher in town.. I begrudge paying when I know he pays for someone to take it away lol..
  15. £15 what you driving ?? I get it from frank birds £1, save £2 on each box. I get 3 and my pal gets 3 it soon adds up over the year..
  16. Aye i defrost in the fridge.. I have seen it cook defrosting in the summer and the flies
  17. I never had any problem in the past...
  18. What dosage of Royal Jelly do you guys give ?
  19. Some run .. Dog done well
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