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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Having a Tx200 and a BSA Lighting, I did prefer the lighting.. If you can get a Hw95 scope & bag for your budget its a better riffle. I reckon as time goes on you will want to upgrade... I would save more, till you have the right money and get PCP around the £350 mark with pump, bag & Scope.. Something like a Multi shot ,Scorpion or AAs200 I would be looking to pay £150 for average springer with the scope & bag.. Shop around Facebook is full of scammers though
  2. Smashing looking dogs mate...
  3. Its a grey area the hunting act.. Permission and insurance will seal the deal in my opinion..
  4. BASC or Similar... They could mouth no problem mate.. The dog is securing the quarry in the net until you arrive to humanely dispatch.. I have not had to defend my actions but believe they are truly lawful. Other methods are flushing to waiting guns - Birds of prey.. The retrieval of shot quarry.. Humanely dispatching with dogs if you believed the animal to be injured or unwell.. Example a deer on 3 legs or hurt from road traffic accident.. Walking wounded type of scenario.
  5. I have had Lowa GTX for years now.. Be heavy compared to them runners but never let in or worn yet..
  6. You have make your own interpretation of the act.. I would be confident armed with nets, permission & insurance to argue the toss..
  7. Did they let in pal ?? Used to do a bit of cross country, still have a pair of la sportiva... If your into that type of footwear keep a eye on George Fisher web page.. Often have some good sales I liked the look of Tink, GYP and the Bog warrior.. Recommend these discs lads.. I aint watched one for years last were Natural born hare killers.. Quality of the footage - cameras have moved on
  8. Just got round to watching both DVDs... Was impressed.. Some quality runs and the camera men done well.. Some cracking land.. I aint ever been, see the lads have to be quick on there toes too What boots did Robin have on ?? Looking forward to next disc ..
  9. Tell them there is no such thing, as coursing with a lamp Best of luck for Friday... Hope it goes well..
  10. As said antihistamines... Is it the pads mate or skin on the under belly ?? As a kid we a had a fox terrier that always seemed to have hot feet and we could see some stings on the exposed skin.. My folks gave her the tablets and rubbed sudo cream on the skin..
  11. Nice pictures,fish and dogs mate.. My lot would snap the line and f**k off to eat the fish
  12. Nice bit of country enjoy mate.. I walk the dogs on the coast between Gretna and Annan...
  13. Fantastic pictures.. Thought you had lost your USB lead not seen you for a while Cracking stuff
  14. Popular guns mate... What you after another springer or PCP ??
  15. Thats a shame lads.. Loads of rookery's up here. I am lucky got about 6/7 not far from the house..
  16. Aye Me and my pal were debating whether we missed them or we were to early... Could tell some young birds were flying off, circling getting tired and landing again.. I was hoping they were early developers and most were still in the nests, but he reckons we missed it.. Might have another gander at them tomorrow.. Got a few more spots to have a look at too..
  17. I know how the Mrs feels now
  18. No one then ??? Was it the regional terminology that throw people off ?? Flappers,Branchers or young Rooks ??
  19. Darcy.. How do you think this exemption of the hunting act would stand up ???? Observation and study of a wild mammal, using not more than two dogs and no dog below ground. what's your interpretation of that ?? To me you could course a few as long as you took a few pictures and recorded the data ?? Good pictures fella... Often find hares in exact same spots...
  20. Went to two bits today to have a look and think i have missed them... Got half a dozen... last year went after May bank holiday and got a load... Plenty of young rabbits about but just left them to it... Put up a few hares, again they were not on the menu... Resorted to plinking a coke can Was Shooting AAs200 with Diabolo Field Pellets..
  21. Mine would not even eat that alpha racer Went on holiday so never took any meat just biscuit, dogs went 3 days and never touched it.. Had to go to a butchers before they fainted lol
  22. Whats that stuff called then Bosun ?? What ratio meat to biscuit do you feed ?? How much is it ??
  23. No mate.. My pal does... Been out with him twice.. Was a good Guy took us on some nice land... Dogs hunted up a respectful bag of rabbits and we bolted a few.. He had the Mal then
  24. How did it die Tomo.. It was not that old..
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