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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Keep the threads rolling mate,.. Top class
  2. Loperamide if its bad and continuing.. Its just imodium and can be bought over counter for humanes.. Chicken and rice has always helped mine out in the past.. Heard other folk recommend pumpkin and probiotics but never used them myself..
  3. http://arthurcarteruradshop.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=3_34_35_42&product_id=386
  4. Cracking work mate.. have you got facebook page ?? Should check out this lasses work https://www.(!64.56:886/Taxidermist.Katelatimer?fref=ts
  5. Did you miss a zero there fella ? 3 ?? This hunting life canny come out with that kind a shit lol. I don't think missing meals do any harm. Each to there own ain't it. When dogs are full swing I shovel it down there necks.
  6. I always feed before and after lamping.. I would not be concerned, dropping dogs scran once a week.. (I don't to it religiously) Mind I would not take them out grafting.. Its ment to be detoxifying.. Plenty research that promotes this in humanes.. What does Sandy Reckon ??? To be fair I like a dog with a bit of meat on them, they fast run it off.. Had trouble in the past holding weight.. Switched to meat animal fats and its been perfect..
  7. 50 watt battery lasts longer.. I don't notice much difference.. Its small fields here though.. Definitely Osram bulbs, bought cheap ones from maplins and there shit..
  8. Tidy @ 6 months maybe make a bit more.. looking nice
  9. Lurcher x lurcher mate.. Anything from proven stock.. Not the biggest of fields up here, so dont need a pacy dog.. Collie crosses can handle numbers.. Bet yer daytime dogs fill a bag on a night.. If your leaning more to the foxing pre ban.. My pals had some nice saluki grey x bul grey murdered foxes and deer..
  10. I got them mate.. Decent wee boots. I was surprised they have lasted for the price.. These are the ones you recommended me Dean.... Brilliant boots, if i'd have known how good they are i'd have bought two pair..! Wish i bought 3 pairs Best bargain I have had for a while..
  11. https://www.(!64.56:886/PeterSkillenArt Yeah some shit hot work fella
  12. Experience comes with time.. Don't slip until you're entirely sure he seen it and is straining on the slip.. I personally give them sitters, that i walk right out to.. Once they can bang them on the seat or are going in the right direction ,then I try and give them longer slips, as time goes on.. Once they click they will run ten meters or one hundred.. Keep going.. Loads of cover and tall grass.. Its harder for them to spot them but once they click they will run the beam and trust there is something worth while at the end of it..
  13. Aye coocos brown dog and cloud was white fluffy bitch
  14. I got them mate.. Decent wee boots. I was surprised they have lasted for the price..
  15. A Lad recommended baby oil Naa what's the verdict with that oil..
  16. There good them green uns For the price canny go wrong
  17. Giro


    Lamping loon I just dont get what your trying to pull... Regardless what Dy has and has not done.. What they done to his his dogs is wrong , very wrong.. They need pulled into line.. He aint been charged with animal crimes, even he had committed hunting related crime, I for one would of still donated.. If your not anti hunt and not pro RSPCA what's yours problem ?? Were not soft arses that donate to every sob story . Good luck DY - hope it all goes your way.. Hope you get your dogs back & some vindication for the deceased dog.. Have an
  18. I aint into looks.. My mrs can cook and clean so she stays... Shit wrong forum
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