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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Aye a good dusting of the white stuff - been frozen here a few days - been pounding the concrete its bit depressing lol
  2. Just got up to hard frost and snow - yawn back to bed.
  3. I am sure travelers would rather be choring scrap than setting snares Theres numpties and folk who know no better in every walk of life.. There's more town folk than them - bet it was not them
  4. Good pictures of the dogs down the beach.. Been hard ground here - been walking the dogs on the streets - prefer the beach on a sunny day Some Cracking clips LT enjoyed them
  5. I ain't saying its right but maybe some local kids ?? I badly set fence snares as a kid - I knew no better.. I also caught feck all . I had plenty knocks and someone lifted them all in the end.
  6. Again Great Snaps mate.. I love a good action shot its does become difficult, even when just walking. I have fecked my camera, I dont know if its got wet or just died.. They aint cheap either.. Photos with dogs running the rabbits are great. These photos beat a dog, stood behind a bag of bunnies in my opinion..
  7. I am converted from hardcore lamping to daytime running.. I have better dogs now
  8. Jim the amount of rabbits and gear you have caught, your allowed the odd night off.. Sure you hit them twice as hard next time your out
  9. do you KNOW this works first hand experience ? Yes mate give it to my bitch - used to be like cardboard after a hard shift used that and shes fine.. Mines Ten Retired - give that regular and dogs bouncing looks like it could do a shift.. how much of it do you give them giro sorry for kidnapping post lol 20 mls a day - cheaper to buy the horse one than the dog one
  10. do you KNOW this works first hand experience ? Yes mate give it to my bitch - used to be like cardboard after a hard shift used that and shes fine.. Mines Ten Retired - give that regular and dogs bouncing looks like it could do a shift..
  11. http://www.viovet.co.uk/NAF_Devils_Relief_for_Horses/c6340/?quick_find=126706&gclid=CK7e_dPpjMMCFQjLtAodzBAASg This will perk her up mate..
  12. Fair play lads.. I like a wild night but last few nights been ave much for me lol.. Loads of road closures,trees down and wagons over this way..
  13. You may have your work cut out.. The things you're trying are right in theory but they're not working out for you both.. Let him come to you on his terms - be relaxed.. Ignore the dog and gentle praise - tip bits when he does come to you.. I have two saluki crosses ones the preferable nightmare - the other a absolute treat.. You cant force these types when there nervous and they pick up on your frustration its just not going to work, walk away..
  14. Aye bet they'd be good working moorland - fell ground hunting up rabbits.. They be pacy enough for the lamp ?? I had previously underestimated the salukis hunting ability - I have a saluki cross lurcher and it hunts like a hound. Better than my old collie cross infact..
  15. What's there Temperment like ?? Nice shape about him..
  16. Slightly off topic .. Arctic hows that spaniel x saluki coming on ?? Cracking pups lads - credit to yous and the breeder
  17. Foxdropper the dog was out with sheep since it was jabbed.. It had a perfect recall and would not have been to shabby at field trials.. At 2 and half it just went rogue for them. It just decided it was going to pull them down and try and kill them - when it felt like it.. I done graded exposure on the lead , with long leads , walking to heal.. I had it in the sheep 4 times one day 25 mins each time.. Now i had it to a point where it would walk through them and not touch them - but the next day it would.. I got it to the point where i could prevent it chasing
  18. I have tried in on my fore arm mate.. Honestly i have never routinely "zapped" my dogs when its in use.. I have used sound - for checking the dog. I have gave a dog a good shock for chasing stock.. It was after months of trying long leads - giving the dog doing. This dog was going to get PTS as i could not risk running it where i hunt. I only use the collar for training cause i have it, prior to the sheep incident i never had any call for one.. I want my dogs to be obedient and trusting - last thing i want is for them to be scared of me or on edge.. I am not
  19. I like that shredded waxed paper.. Daz thats a result with you having 15 horses and all
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