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Everything posted by Giro

  1. " I'll go get the gym bag " Wants his head wrapped, bet he was a 8 stone bag head
  2. Could double up as chinese throwing star ??
  3. One for the Bulldozer Crew https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbrzZWLu6Qw#t=17
  4. You canny think much of the dog, if your response is to beat it & then put it to sleep..
  5. I rather have my dog than a scabby choock..
  6. If only you were closer Canny beat tat offer good man
  7. I once thought off using fishing weights.. Just enough to flop top of the net over a bar, yet not to heavy preventing it pursing .. Your idea looks good mate..
  8. I aint rushing back lol The pint went down a treat.. I do a bit of cycling in the summer,my mate wants to do kirkstone and the struggle - feck that lol It really takes it out of you.. Reckon your back will be fooked with lumping rabbits and hares and heavy batteries.. If I go again i am walking round a lake on the flat lol
  9. Giro


    Priceless fecking tubes.. Perhaps the initial thought of RCPCA was started with good intentions.. Now its all got out of hand.. Hang in there DY
  10. Aye thats shit really.. Good concrete should last a lifetime.. You got no come back of the the lad that out it down ?? Bet you paid a pretty penny for that setup.. I am moving soon - looking to put something similar - smaller though lol.. Tidy looking setup..
  11. Mate thats such a shame, as your kennels look better than my house.. Can you not re lay a couple of inches ?? Time you fork out for tiles and someone to lay them or your own time. My base aint that deep & been down for ages , mate put a good finish on with float.. What mix did you use ??
  12. Aye thought she was going to turn fenton on me for a brief moment.. Andys the man for the pictures, I just snapped a few off on me phone..
  13. Parked at the farm ?? Came back down honiston Pass.. Done a big horse shoe with a detour up these others - think it was great gables lol I am terrible. Could not see a thing at the top of haystacks I was bit scared, lol was stoney and we was climbing wee bits.. The dog took two dashes at them sheep.. Recon she just thought, they were not like white sheep lol Came off them but I though, " f***ing hell" for a second lol - Was I fook running after her.. I have been to the gym and am stiff as anything, no way could I do it today.. You must be 1/8 mountain goat
  14. Went on a mission today and thought of you mate.. Done 5 peaks forgot some of the names, haystack, something gable and honistion.. First 25 mins I was blowing out my arse.. Was well steep.. Me legs were burns - lungs bursting - heart pounding, then its seemed to ease off or I composed myself lol Never seen a sole - Barron land dog never put its nose down once.. Good views - had a pint and bite to eat and I canny walk now.. Dont know how you manage that regular.. I am fair fit, gym 4 times a week , do a lot of walking - hunting but them mountains are something e
  15. Diamond oil stone and water stones best.. I keep on top of the edge with a steel.. When I was a chef a old fella used to come round the restaurants,he take the knife to his van and put a cracking edge on them.. Think he used some sort of grinder..
  16. Did anyone see that documentary about the dodgy meat processing " the smokie" some welsh bloke blow torches it fleece the full lot. Then it gets sold in ethic areas in big city's. Can't remember think it was a African or Jamaican thing. Rustled sheep would be perfect for that game.
  17. There's time yet Pups look cracking wee dogs..
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