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Everything posted by Giro

  1. I even fancy that Whins type of dog .. Superior in all round lurcher work ..
  2. They're the collie types I like...
  3. There's catching rabbits and catching rabbits though Ray.. Loads of varables with the dogs as you know.. You don't need a lot of collie for catching gear. Pure sight hounds will put meat on the table. That six sence is something special and that's what collie fetches with a few other attractive attributes. I never even seen a first cross run a rabbit.. Its not something that tickles my fancy either.. I like fast dogs with a brain cell or two lol..
  4. collie crosses taught me more than any man lol hows you mate, hope your well, what you running now? Blue ones Collie/saluki lurcher. Black n tans coursing bred. I don't need more than two & I have a A team and a B Squad with them too lol. If my took a loss in the kennel I'd have the right collie cross in a heart beat..
  5. I don't think collies are that sulky.. I have had two and they could take a verbal bashing and in my youth,I have lost my rag and donked them on the head with a lamp. They still carried on business as usual. I don't think get rough with dogs gives results and look back at some of my methods and cringe.. Doubt my kennel of saluki crosses would of hung about long.. My advice mate would take a punt on lurcher x lurcher cross with a good dash of collie in the mix.. You are more likely to get a all round multi tasker. Depends what and where your planning to hunt
  6. Bring back work houses...
  7. Hi Foxdropper I'm not sure if you'd class me as "championing the CA" ? But to put the record straight, what I've tried to do is to give some insight into my own first hand personal experience of the manner in which the CA has supported my chosen sport..... terrierwork. Why have I bothered ? Because I know, based on my own experience (not hearsay) just how supportive they have been of terrierwork and over what a very long period of time. I also believe if we are to see any better changes for the future, then the CA is the only organisation who can pull it off AND even more
  8. I dont get that J... So people can complain if they have paid there subs?? They were protecting hunt terrier men at high profile hunts. The overall admednent is to push for more hounds and more reasons to be out hunting. It's still be the same argument CA don't publish or invest in lurcher work or terrier work to my knowledge.. Their Web page has information and links for everything but lurcher & terrier work. I've contacted them on multiple occasion and had no response.. I contacted them regarding their insurance and working with in the current laws.. They ne
  9. I dont get that J... So people can complain if they have paid there subs?? They were protecting hunt terrier men at high profile hunts. The overall admednent is to push for more hounds and more reasons to be out hunting. It's still be the same argument CA don't publish or invest in lurcher work or terrier work to my knowledge.. Their Web page has information and links for everything but lurcher & terrier work. I've contacted them on multiple occasion and had no response.. I contacted them regarding their insurance and working with in the current laws..
  10. 50/60 mile radius.. Any further and I ain't that intrested but to be fair there's plenty to go at locally..
  11. Share it on the " I love the lake district" group they have 34 k followers and possibly people in the area.. I ain't got access to a proper computer (on my mobile) or I would share it on there for you.. Hope you find the bitch safe and well.
  12. Pajero - four track - vitara.
  13. Cheers for tips .. Don't surpose you have a before & after shot lol.. Thanks .
  14. Looks good mate... I've not managed to catch the lad. . Dnot know if he's changed his mobile. You gonna start yours in September? ?
  15. I am not to sure what you mean mate. So put a sausage shaped plug, below the circular trigger plate ?? Is that to encourage them to attempt push through trigger plate.
  16. How do folk rate sissor traps ?? I've seen lads using barrel & talpex but these don't seem as popular.. I got a few of these and plan to give then a bash in the winter.. Any "fettling" required with these?? They seem straight forward enough.
  17. I've just spent 3k on 3 runs but needed a wall and a whole area concreted. Blocks were £1 from wickes. labour was £1400 If you can get free labour and you have base and pen doors bet you could get them built for under £500. I put them bitchemen sheets on the roof - £16 each.
  18. Bunny's what's your other four ?? All mine swim. Some like it more than others, but they all are competent swimmers.
  19. I'd imagine one the seasons upon us and the dogs getting more gear under her belt she have less intrest in them. Keep doing what your doing. I used to do but of obedience around the sheep.Getting them to long down stays,walking away a far distance and calling the dog back to you,through a flock. Mind on id build upto that. Loads of praise for positive behaviour and obviously correct of dogs showing interest in sheep.. I had a collie cross,that I resorted to a Ecollar. Keep at it dogs only young and I'm sure you can get it cracked.
  20. Take it your from Wales ?? That rules out a Ecollar lol.. Repetition and exposure.. Keep reinforcing there not on the menu.. How olds the dog and is it running game ??
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