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Everything posted by Giro

  1. He was not given an email a month ago let alone any gratitude...
  2. Wether or not mate.. Something should be done now.. I'm no oldie but am aware of the efforts some of these old hands went to pre ban.. Maybe some lost momentum and we're deflated with the ban.. Maybe the youth can get involved and show the doubters,that they are the future of of feild sports and are able to act lawfully, with dignity and respect..
  3. Collect 4 boxes of cornflakes and send the tokens off ..
  4. Where do you not have common ground with them mate ?? Personalities and egos are conflict triggers.. You've got to look past that.. All Man United fans come from different back grounds with their social and environmental status being polar opposites. Some work,some steal & some are on the dole.. Some are cheery and some miserable. They'd not mix socially but they all support the same team. That's what a club's about.. You don't have to be in love with them all.. Joining a club would give you the chance to pitch your veiws and be in touch with t
  5. Whin off the swally or something ? ? He should get a incoherent post up and give us all a laugh..
  6. You reckon it'll be any good on phezzie & salmo ?? Lol Looks a cracking young dog.
  7. Lol Never seen one of them run..
  8. What you got like edrd ? ? Something out of that indy or Carson? ? Was good vid..
  9. Natural born hare killers ??
  10. Hey I'm not knocking anyone's methods.. I've lamped hares at night for years but I've come to the conclusion it's not for me.. Odd one aye but numbers no,its a waste..
  11. Small feilds you'd kill hares with a lamp no problem.. Bouncing them off dykes. . A dog that could run one for 5 mins daytime,probly catch the hare first 20 yards.. Big feilds or hilly feilds that's when it's tricky with a lamp.. If you know the lay of the land the lamper makes it easy for the dog.. Daytime there on there own.. Its been done a death.. Hares are much easier at night. I've lamped them and now would rather get one daytime hare, than 10 on the lamp..
  12. Lass has qweer came on since the first vid that yous had.. Well done lads .
  13. Good luck for the season fella.. How's the pup bred ??
  14. Cheers mate.. Just something I can modify for lamping - carrying rabbits.. Old bags given up.
  15. I had a castrated Russel that was the same. .
  16. Mate can you get bergans or old army ruck sacks with the metal frames ??
  17. I've not seen any but plenty of milky rabbits and half grown ones kicking about.. Its unsporting to slip on young game but when hunting up that decision is taking out of your hands..
  18. In the past members and Masters of foxhounds have faced prosecution under contravention of the Hunting with dogs act, I assume these hunts are members or represented on the C o H and in turn on the Country Alliance, Under a Code of Conduct it is expected that members of what ever group or association are operating and respecting the said code. No doubt some times these guide lines and codes are by accident broken and may have resulted in prosecution. The group or association should as a rule morally support its membership. Those who go out and blatently flout the code or break the present
  19. I liked some of that clarissa and Johnny Scott. . Think it was BBC never seen it on any torent or dvds .. That last Waterloo cups a good one if you like running dogs.. Watched few jack Charlton ones on vhs as a young lad and Phil lyods stuff.. Maybe not documentaries but a good watch never the less.
  20. Looked it up.. Do all you Irish lads have licence or is it not inforced ??
  21. I'd have them chipped and liesenced.. Why did dig liesencs get scrapped ? ? Mind I can see some in a quality in the pet ownership if canniens are compulsory chipped yet felines go Un checked & un neutered..
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