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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Brasher ?? will have to google that cheers moll . my last boots were knee high american camo things i got off flea bay they were fabric with gotex lining they were good for about 7 months now they leak and the sole split with diggin they were well comfortable and i still wair them when its dry lol Berghause will have a look ditch cheers
  2. My hybrid collie grey is a good ferreting dog dose not do to bad on the lamp as well as other things
  3. http://www.prenticebell.co.uk/pbboots.html#keeper6 I was searching the net looking for boots and found these anyone got a pair how do you rate them??? I have not had much luck with footware spending 100 ish before but they let in water after a while.. and after reading Maty J review of the le cham boots i am not even going there
  4. I did not like the munty i found it livery how did you find it?? I much prefer roe
  5. coming on a treat fella weldone
  6. 50 p for a doged one £1.oo for a shot or ferreted one
  7. excellent pics and runs and dogs look mint
  8. I also would like Penacillin and drontals will buy in bulk.. upto a 100 wormers and a bottl e of penacillian
  9. don't give the young lad both barrels I think his question is about genuine romanys selling a bit of lucky heather nicking a couple of carrots.. He said on another forum he had respect for there way of life, living off the land and how resourful they are.. He is not on about tinkers nicking lead off the church roof
  10. I have a hair dresser one tho It was cheap and it gets me where i need to go not bad off road but i only go across feilds and farm tracks dont do anything to crazy..
  11. thats only the soft tops the grand is a mans truck lol
  12. Giro

    Your top 5

    I cant read Only read plummers fell terrier and jackie Drakfords working lurcher + working ferret all 3 were good i dont have much thrill for reading but would buy a copy of the running dog addiction or extream lurcher work if anyone has a cheap copy..
  13. quicks ... google this i used to do archery years ago .
  14. nuts aint it i am a member of a free cycle thingy.. I offered a stuffed stoat for free like and it got removed as it may offened.. how fecking nuts
  15. when i first saw the pic i thought it was alive like a house rabbit i was thinking whys this person showing us pictures of his pet rabbit (then i thought whys he got a pet rabbit ) yeah i left it there for my mrs she was well not to happy lol
  16. a litter pups of 1/4 collie grey X sauki/grey / bull grey i could put you in the right direaction if your interested??
  17. ha ha done that shat in my boxers and wiped the contence on my ex employer door handle of his nice C class merk and walked home feeling very pleased with myself lol
  18. we smashed bottles and lit fires and had lots of fights...
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