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Everything posted by Giro

  1. wanted 50 or 75 watt bulb for light force will buy a couple for the right price some folk can get them cheap ??
  2. I will give you £60 for the pair pm me
  3. i dont feed mine very often less poo to clean.... joke lol raw when is not there anymore and dry evey other day as i put a pint in at a time for two sml jills
  4. Giro


    I use free share similar thing had a few good finds tryed to give a stuffed stoat they would not let me post it was fecking antis like i also offered a hare coarsing dvd they knocked me back and said would delet me if i offered any more offence material..
  5. they look cheap and decent.. I might have problems with that style as he has collie dogs roaming about unless i put that in a tunnel of some sort??
  6. Wanted the cheapest but best quality rat traps or body grips tunnel traps what ever.. Got some mint ferreting and lamping permission but when i got it i gave it the big i am and said i could do everything from foxes to moles now i have come unstuck as the rats are in the farm buildings went up with smoker and terriers but my smoker has died so wanna just put the traps down as farmer will check them twice aday.. somebody give me the the link or sell me old traps what ever i aint that fused as long as its cheap.. Thanks in advance
  7. would save your cash its shit...
  8. The article is 8 years old... still a wanker tho
  9. Them dogs of yours will catch what your riffles can do mate And you will have more fun doing it ...
  10. I would of done a insurance job and lost nowt... ok if you have protected no claims
  11. Lamp dog for me.. If it could catch a hundred on the lamp it probably could knock double figures on hare too (lamping like) that would do me
  12. where you from bud i will swap a lance for a striker its been used a few times and as usaul the wring went thats lightforce for you .. but its been re wired..
  13. really like that lile dog pal what way was it breed whats the precentages??
  14. sounds good what sjm said.. her pups should be good dogs
  15. I would not buy off hancock but would have a hancock breed lurcher is some else had them and they worked well.. I would not even borther about the dirt y or clean kennels i just dont think the dogs should be breed to keep someone in money i would never line the pockets of a dog dearler breeder its shit crack.. How many puppys are breed a year there?? bet he has a big bucket for them pups that dont find homes.. I also would not buy a dog from untested parents buying dogs is a minefield as it is you have to try and stack the odds a little in your favour IMO
  16. http://pennymeadowwhippets.co.uk/ http://www.freewebs.com/lancashirepedigreewrc/index.htm Email them They will answer your questions really helpful i inquired about whippets with them..
  17. Giro


    Na permission is there you just have to ask last year i had nowt now i have 9 farmers 2 are on game easte.. you just have to do it over and over you can go out a couple of times and say there no permission go loads and loads go back and ask the same farmer so your keen.. 3 bits of my best permission are nearly a hour away but they are places where the numbers are endless you coud ferret all day and have to stop as the nights drawing in.. keep asking its a downer when nowbodys in the farmers or they say no dont jack keep trying... you will get the jack pot one day i got one feil
  18. dogs dangle bits spot on fella
  19. My hero http://www.hancocklurchers.co.uk/index.html Hancocks world if you care to take a look
  20. fell boots my mates dad has a pair of them with the little metal studs on the sole they are heavy duty lol they aint that high for me... tho i could have the wrong aproach mabie ankle boots with gators??? How many lads n gals use gators ??
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