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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Its attitudes like that which get people into serious trouble!!! And also have a negative impact on the sport!! Think before you post mate!!! I hardly think plinking a few shots off in your own garden will land you in trouble... I have never been in serious trouble ever!!! And i do ponder a lillte before i post. If your concerned don't do it but i would...
  2. its your garden just get down and do what you want mate.. I do lol
  3. good read fella i would love to seen a genuine deerhound work...
  4. Just use a steel if the edgde has totally gone a oil or water stones do the trick you can buy cheap waterstones from most catering suppliers..
  5. Jesus dude... just snare the feckers and save your ammo LoL just kidding hope you sort out your dilemma
  6. My dog is an out n out rabbit dog so i cant comment.. I do know i put in the effort in and its paided off for me.. If you want to take 25 plus rabbits you will get sick as fuk walking for them... Well i would anyway
  7. I think a rabbit dog that dose not fetch back is a waste of time... JMO
  8. Giro


    you make you own luck in life... So my old lass says anyway..
  9. "Get with it its 2008" feck off 2009 would be shit season be shit if we all thought like that... never mind the leverts and bellied up doe's lets smash our dogs toes to feck on rock hard fields its to fecking hot to run your dog hard in the summer too.. comon sense with never prevail lol
  10. kreet your a peddlin messer and will never be a dog boy..
  11. if you want a hand with those pests zap let me know
  12. what a idiot Edited:Stabs
  13. Ferretin i would want 60 plus lamping If two dogs present 50 plus mabie some larger quarry How much you charging?? I might treat myself
  14. thats what i think too Woz...
  15. I cant belive someone would risk there Fac ticket to shoot a spaniel.. All poachers are not bad
  16. yes there ok mate but if i was a bullshiter are a newbie you lot wouldnt take me on most of you know what i say is the truth are i beleave it,iam into my rabbits not hares rabbits you all give me shit well a few of you cause i liked the shows and did well,then did better then you all thought on the fens,catch more rabbits in a night then most in a month also other stuff i will travell to prove a point i will invite people down to show iam no bull shitter i have more permision then most so i cant be a dick head,ok iam retired so have time but i do what i love i worked hard for 25 yrs brought u
  17. Mark the legend... Love the threads about you fella..
  18. get a collie cross will hunt day and night
  19. Carlisle's a little place Them little tales fly round... Hope you have better luck for next season...
  20. Rabbit hunter was your dog not a wooly wacker also???
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