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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Its only 2% you could not get drunk on a quid... Bet its rotten piss water. I like cheap cider cause its strong you just knock it in to get wasted but i would have to drink a good few of them to get a wobble on...
  2. How many did you have???? Glossy coats !!!!
  3. I seen him at lowther once he is small very small,with specs and looks like a homo your right i am small with glasses but i have a knob like a babys arm holding a pudding in its fist ......... where as you i imagine are a stereo typical irsh gobby f****r .. with a chip on your shoulder .. i. seen it all before ....... .......go make some stew or somthing .............. Chill winstan its just a joke... I liked your ultra bright trainers lol
  4. I seen him at lowther once he is small very small,with specs and looks like a homo
  5. Whats it like in your areas????? Cumbria = Lifting with gear.... I just ask as i know certain areas are renowned for holding good numbers like the dales... whats it like in eire ??? The isle of man?? and and other parts of Great britain???
  6. So did the lads dog spew???? Like i said early on this afternoon shame if it did... Daytime did it not have the minerals is it still doing it job on the lamp??? did it jack in in the north east or on fenland???
  7. Shame the dog jacked in... kevin get some soap and wash your mouth out...
  8. http://www.halcrowstadium.co.uk/pages/content.asp?PageID=61
  9. opinion and name calling dont come under the same thing in the dictionary tho, do they?? I run as many as i can so just call me Eeyore. You professed you did not like back biting and slanging matches but you quick to hurl insults about.. JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED and CAST THE FIRST STONE ... LoL
  10. Bet you could not even catch ten on the lamp... Ok then "lamped hares are easy".. not as testing as daytime but not easy mabie one but not when you start geting into numbers.. Your a nice lad asking everyone to join your qwaint little forum and your calling people f*****g donkeys.. now thats not nice kevin.. Lets seen any dog that can do 17 daytime hares that would be truely fantastic.. And so is taking 17 on the lamp some folk on here wont even get 17 "easy" rabbits on the lamp... This is a old thread that will always go round in bloody circles day V night, people with sport
  11. Giro


    Words of wisdom, Please take heed from Giro. yeah listen to him, dont mix them or u will end up looking like him. What like a good looking b*****d????
  12. Giro


    Drink is fine just dont mix it with drugs...
  13. Dont get your kickers knotted... how old are you 6???? You will have to sit on the naughty step if you keep insulting people and calling them names!!!
  14. I would try this..... http://www.tattooremovalcream.co.uk/
  15. I know what you mean fella like melting choc or making a Creme An Glaise.. I will try it out cheers..
  16. why warm jars??? Do you simmer the little pan over the big pan??? or could you do it all on a low heat??? like lemon curd never knew you made it like that will have a crack...
  17. http://www.cluson.co.uk/contact.aspx If you dont go for a Lightforce phone cluson directly the sell 2nds at a fraction of the price. You can get a lamp (not with Battery) £25ish brand new mabie with just a scratch. http://www.batterymasters.co.uk/Catalog-Ge...on_119.aspx?p=1 These sell cheap batterys I have delt with them Before..
  18. The Meindl look smart... just bought some lowa really decent boot!!
  19. just use the saddles.. legs will be toughter on older rabbits half grown jobs melt in the mouth.
  20. I would of thought that to.... In a first cross wont there be a right mix anyway?? some throwing really racy like the grey and other more to the terrier?? I dont know not a expert just what i would of thought???
  21. I find filters dont work on some ground.... because lads use them all season if you use them in september they know the score.. I start on my permission with no filter then use it later on in the season. I also use amber.. If rabbits are lamped to death nothing will make them sit that bit longer
  22. Giro

    Some Boot

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LOWA-ISSUE-GORE-TEX-...id=p3286.c0.m14 just got a pair £90 cheap
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