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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Are pigs trotters in there raw form a deccent suppplemant to a raw diet??
  2. I think i would be a good idea... people would not have to bump threads as in the for sale section they would just get lost in days with the amount of threads in that section...
  3. Well I dont know what the boy round the corner calls his dog so sorry lol.... Why would people know anyway? people keep themselfs to there selfs, they dont advertise what they have and where they go.. its a secretive game round there...
  4. Plenty lads in carlise Hunt, loads infact...
  5. If you choice to get rid.. find him a pet home as you say he is placid in the house... If it was me and it was a good worker i would keep it work it lightly let it bring the young dog on.. keep him as a pet take him for walks keep him fairly fit.. if the young dog gets hurt you have a back up dog and vice verser.. As your only dog hes not ideal but if you like him and have more than one i would just keep him... jmho
  6. with that!!! Folk leave the puddings in to long or burst shit bags thats what taints meat... Buggar all this soaking carry on a good rince season well and cook...
  7. id feed them a small bit that morning u should never feed a dog its full amount in the eveing before going lamping.would u feed a greyhound before a race NO.would a runner have a big meal just before a race NO. Yes i agree dont think you read my post correctly i said A.M meaning say 9. and take the dog out at say 11 pm Thats 14 hours later the dog will of digested there food way before then.... I have feed my dogs at 6pm and worked them at 12pm... You cant flog them on a empty stomch.. But i would never feed a few hours before running..
  8. I aint bought a book Whin,as my good friend told me years ago... "why pay 30 pounds to read someone else experiances? When you could stick £30 pound in the diesel tank and make your experiances" Plus i am not much of a reader lol..
  9. Is there a lot of rabbits fella??? I wuld pay 25/30 for a walk out with my lurcher and a ferret no nets just bolting them..
  10. I would feed the full amount of dogs food am.. And feed it when it gets back.. If your running it hard you need some fuel in the tank..
  11. I put mine dogs on red mills and they are fine no loose stool... I have tried a few and red mills seems to be fine.. I do feed chicken carcases and meaty bones AM. i just give the red mills Pm a couple of cup fulls.. Some days they just get the cibble and still no loose shite... My dogs where scunnered on beta shit for fun
  12. Knives Manufacture/sell/hire ‘Flick Knife’ or ‘Flick Gun’. Source: Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act, 1959. Section 1(1). Offence: It is an offence for a person to manufacture, sell, hire or offer for sale or hire or expose or have in his possession for the purpose of sale or hire, or lend or give to any person: A) any knife which has a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to the handle of the knife, sometimes know as a ‘flick knife’ or ‘flick gun’; or any knife which has a blade whic
  13. stamina and fitnness are two different things.. But come hand in hand.. Get the dog fit running fit i mean.. And keep lifting the bar more work every time.. The dog will have to eat more sleep more and work more.. Some dogs just dont have stain power but sure most can be improved.
  14. Cheers Big fella was top night.... Plenty lem sips you will be good to rock and roll in a few days!! There was no Wind tomo constant rain and very dark,got piss wet through but well worth it..
  15. Just talk with the man... Talking about shooting his dogs will make your problem a million times worst... I understand keepers have to protect there jobs and houses ect.. But Shooting dogs and getting heavy handed with people just would end in tears for a both partys..
  16. I would have that weight bench if you lived closer.. would cost to much to post me thinks...
  17. should of had Space cake on that list :drag:
  18. Mob wars is for puffs Mafia wars is wheres its at...
  19. Aint it ttip Ratcher selling them??? Herad he breeds some nice collie crosses.. I would not take a punt on on of these dogs each to there own.. I hope some make the grade and are tested to the hilt.. Then we can all miver of facts not Thoughts..
  20. Giro

    Staff Attack

    The way you went on i thought your dog was in a mess thats nothing a mer scratch get a grip... Anti spectic spray or wound powder will sort that...
  21. 2 for £30 Still a no go??? Credit crunch and all???
  22. Was that the pup you bred??? Either way totally gutting news!! You done right by the dog and yourself.. Really bad news bud but you will bounce back,Keep your chin up!
  23. Giro

    Staff Attack

    I am with Strong stuff.... Tho i think its dog politics, also your dog was also off the lead???? And the staff went for your dog not the child??? Go with your gut feeling!! The THL Tinter forum was not there so you know far more,if you feel the dog was out of control and dangerous do what you feel right.. My Russel messed a pet dog up big style tho he did not start the trouble tho was hell bend on finishing it.. I don't mean to hold the cats arse to the fire and truly mean this i hope your daughter was not hurt physically or emotionally.. All the best fella this was just
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