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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Bump............. fingers crossed for you fella.. They will surface soon.. And the dog nicking scum get what they deserve and a bit of jail time..
  2. They may catch a few.. surely they wont have the pace for long hard runs??? My lurcher can catch very good numbers on the lamp and it dose this regular... Last few nights out some of the rabbits have not been easy.. long slips,short grass bottomless dykes.. Now I am not say they wont catch any yeah early season easy rabbits but not 30 plus winter rabbits that know the game.. If that was the case as most lads run rabbits they would scrap the lurcher and all have collies... The collie is a good ingrediant in a lurcher but would not replace one of mine... There was a pos
  3. Yes there very effective.. But it's the initial cost of putting In rabbit mesh fencing.. So once you add up fencing cost and traps it's expensive for a farmer. Also wooded area's can need repairs more often due to fallen branches and tree's. There's an area next to a farm house tried ferreting yesterday.. Absolute nightmare with an old wall under it hardcore, bushes, etc favour being on my side it was stock fenced, so I decided to snare it... Starting to sicken myself lol . I can't even look at the rabbit casserole downstairs !! LoL stick the casserole in the freezer... Did yo
  4. Good shooting Ian... do you get a few in them drop boxes???
  5. Good result.... Do you ever fancy getting a lurcher again??
  6. some footage of borizo's (spelling probly wrong) running wolfs in russia they look like they have been held captive and are let loose from ropes.. its not my cup of tea.. some footage on the net where eagles take wolfs on the run..
  7. nice one... Never managed to hit a maggie.. very flighty birds.. no easy target like those branchers, thats the only time I shoot corvids..
  8. Why did you edit your post??? when you ordinially wrote "when Walking". Your either a plum or daydreamer...
  9. There is a ban so you hide your lamp ????? Is that while you are in the car or walking about??
  10. So why do you want to hide your lamp??? do you hide your dog??? Is it an italian greyhound????
  11. why do you want to hide it??? You cant hide a 20omp battery either.. Had a lance the smallest of the lightforces much better than a clue lite too... Never tried hiding it tho so dont now how good that would be to you either...
  12. Shit..... lol... Their ok beams not that tight for my liking. I much prefer lightforce striker or blitz.. You can get clue lights cheap directly from them.. they are classed as seconds.. I have used them but think the lightforce has the edge
  13. Just walk the legs off it... If its tired it will sleep... Big meaty bones are very good and big beef knuckle bones will keep it quite for hours.. and it will be good as a supplement for its daily food intake and teeth... It should settle down if not go for a anti bark collar cheap on ebay...
  14. hope you get them back fella.... Do you know who nicked them now and are just trying to locate the dogs?? did they nick them and pass them on??? Dog theifs are Scum like chidy fiddlers...
  15. They are the same diameter... The batterys are tiny
  16. scruffy feckers want to clean there house to.... just numptys...
  17. I will give you 14 pence for it lol...
  18. Are you scared of the dark like??? Gan by yourself lol
  19. I dont Think arkrick Is Mark - Brick... Just a wind up merchant... I have had a few silly disputes With him on the internet, Its not worth it really... one thing I will credit him on,he dose go out and get some gear... I am just glad he lives Miles away from me,he dose like bragging on the interent and between the make belive and lies he dose actully catch good numbers regularly.. which is more than most on here.. I think he Winds people up and enjoys doing so... I have laughed away to myself arguging over something and nothing on here... I miss some of his posts
  20. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6941069842844016914#
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