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Everything posted by Giro

  1. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/78403-pups-ready-middle-of-jan/
  2. I had to tell folk how they where bred tho fella
  3. No 3/4 :laugh: Think the Title was "lamping dogs"
  4. I dont fancy it in the summer,its to hot for my dogs and I wont risk them missing the start of the season with daft injuries running on hard ground.. If I had to on request I would shoot rabbits or snare them.. I prefer saving them for me dogs. I dont care to much if folk do it as long its not on my ground lol
  5. It would be anaccurate discription of there make up.. They are after all Collie based lurchers.. Ruby would be what some would call half and the fawn one a 1/4 or there abouts. Both have collie traits the fawn did want to round up sheep When I put a coursing dog into the mix, I will be having difficulties deciding what camp they are in. Will just have to call them lurchers then They have Minshaw in them and its not been a bad thing at all. I belive they have a percentage of wind/ stamina that came from the Red dog but nothing close to the old stuff,that I have never seen
  6. Giro


    got a bit lot of my lamping vids are of my dogs runing on doing one put it up for you Nice one fella, what camera and editing software are you using??
  7. Giro


    Thats another cracking vid fella... What camera do you use??? Have you got any lamping footage??
  8. Good post Dean.... So 50% of the minshaws I have seen have jacked, I could not have put that better myself. I my posts are not directed at your old man, you or your brothers.. I think You have some handy dogs.. I just think when folk are wanting to know about the dogs they should hear the full story not just the good bits... Some dogs are great but with folk breding from jackers and untested stock the risks run higher of getting a dud... I hope my dog makes something good this season its got a lot to do to come close to me older dog. If it spews or dont come close I
  9. No hard feelings Frankel.. Have a good night
  10. I agree with that Wilf Something the young lads starting out should bear in mind... I think its down to the close breeding a few amazing freaks and some mentally disturbed ones.. Surely not every pup in blues litter was mustard and took truck loads of game ???
  11. You recon if you pamper them it fecks them up... Thats was what was wrong with the flame dog it was spending to much time infront of the fire... How would that affect the dogs preformance?? The dog caught shit loads of gear "when it fancied it", other times it just watched rabbits in the beam it was mental lol It lived outside ... My dogs are like pets in the house and strom toopers in the feilds lol
  12. Because your spending more time with the dog.. When your watching tv its by your feet not board in the kennel.. Not being defensive, curious.. You give conflicting information... "dont pamper" but your looking to invest in heat lamp... Why did the warmth and human interaction impeed that pictular dog??
  13. Why do you think being kept in the house was counter productive??? I am struggling with the theory behind your statements...
  14. Sub arguments. Daz I am banned, I attempted to log in today and am banned.. I would stand by the comment a monkey could lamp however to what standard could be arguable.. Now I belive you could give a novice a handy dog and a lamp and they would be sucsessful and if you where to give them a dog and a long net or gate net they would not have the same sucsess rate.. Lamping has little finacial out lay compared to ferreting when you consider nets,loacting equipment and spades.. Its easier to get out lamping if your straying onto private land.. It was never going to g
  15. Deben did repair few years ago... I dont know if they do now, I had a few serviced by them once.. It might be worth getting a mark 3.. lot of the mark 1s are very old now they aint that robust if you drop them in kitchen or on concret they are toast.
  16. Just winding them up my argument was it attracts a lot of chavs, its easy to pick up compared to netting or snaring.. Some folk belive its the only aspect of lurcher work.. I probly did not word very well.. Some folk took it very personally.. I lamp
  17. Ask your Aunty... I upset you all saying lamping was for chavs and insulting her saying she knew nothing about dogs.. But you know all that fella. I have to disagree, I like a dog n the house around me as much as i can, strenghens the bond and trust. JMO its been ok for me so far. I wonder where you all hear these things from lol what else have you heard??
  18. The flame never stayed in the house... Mine do and it never made them jack, Jims snipe lives in the house dont think thats effected his working ability... I dont think warm beds and TLC make dogs jack lol
  19. aye you sound like you keep yourself to yourself I dont go out with the masses.. The lads are asking questions would be rude not to play along with them.. lol
  20. ok so you have seen a lot is what your saying,,,,,,and you also said previously you have seen 2 jack, not a bad % if you consider the amount that was bred do you not agree? I was enquiring about dogs around the 4/5 or 6 mark the big money dogs, did they make it??? The only ones at that age that I heard about was flick, Ginny and Joe oxs dogs and they never came from Leigh.. The dogs that seem consistant are in the hands of some keen men..
  21. I have no intrest to see your dog run... Theres two bandwaggons really the haters and the smoke blowers.. I would class my self on iether I speak as I find.. I have seen good ones more than I have seen bad... The bad probly still have caught more than your average dog "when They wanted too" I am banned, and have lost no sleep about it.. I have seen failures and the dog handler was faultless.. I explain my theroy before on other threads.. Red and chester polar oppisit flick and flame the same for evey real star you get get one thats not quite right its seem to even no
  22. Not sure, heard a few of them dogs are really good. I just keep myself to myself really, I just here the odd snippet.. Should find out who and give his details to the brick he likes a challeng lol ..
  23. Yeah I upset eveyone when I said lamping was for Chavs...
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