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Everything posted by Giro

  1. I recon my dog going to be seven this xmas then and is actually six at present.. Maybe get a few more seasons then I was getting ready to put her on the reserve team lol..
  2. Aye it's getting on. at least 7 maybe 8/9 ??? Lady would be older yet?? how old is your gang ?? Visa must be a fair age now ??
  3. deffo kat,,, after all shes only 6... must be more than six my youngest dog will be four this xmas.. it will be seven coming 8 ??
  4. Cols story was slightly different it was just another theory to the love hate situation..
  5. No offence taken, I know why you good people react the way you do.. You receive no end of shit about these dogs and thats why to me mine are meer collie crossess, they dont seem to spark the same reception.. I am no Minshaw hater, I love reading about good dogs and seeing good pictures and would have any strain of lurcher if it's done its job.. Tomos "Tara" the kelpi??? Done its share of a ton must be good, but he says it has its faults and would not take off her. I would not knock any dog taking them numbers
  6. Can't avoid that wee sarcastic dig can you? Banter, its the name of the game
  7. If memory serves it was after your first visit... Many moons ago, mabie when i was on the nest with the monkey hanger ??? I still dont think the dog was shite, or even close to shite.. Not many folk even get twenty rabbits let alone with one dog would be fair to say it was no world beater or top draw but no one ever said she was.. If Keria was able, I would take a pup off her any day of the week. For folks that dont know Keria was bred out of chippers stuff and is nells sister..
  8. To be fair i aint seen the lad bitch or lose his cool once though in the last few pages The pills are working then :laugh: I better do some work... Laters
  9. Big Jim in the limelight lol..Giro,i'm telling you what Jim told me,he said she would regularly get low 20's and once got 28 i think he said but he told me she would never get 30?...you tell me different then if thats the case?..the videos were nowt special,the rabbits were piss poor in longish grass but still she caught them...but i've seen a greyhound catch 26 bunnies at Kings Mearburn at Penrith on good flat arable type fields,yes just the once but she done it...i know Jim rated Sorrel and i wouldn't doubt his word on that but 20+ bunnies let's be fair is nothing better than moderate at bes
  10. And your chum bred it ..heap of shite just like Keira..20 odd rabbit dog his words NOT mine..breed off shite and you'll get shite...simples init? Your just being petty now... Keria was a good dog not a hare dog but a honest rabbit dog.. dont think anyone that seen her run would of called her shite, plenty seen her shes even on film..
  11. N Why are you gonna inform your ex father in law.? ... ...f*****g tosser and thats what i will say to your face Naaa I wounld not do that... Shame Dont think you will get the chance, but we never do know Heres my dog in the summer looking ok to me ???
  12. I dont feed wagg lol... Mine get mince (beef) and dry food called haringtons.. Yeah I would ask what folk are feeding and have tried a few different thing there aint nothing wrong with that... Had difficulties with food over the years dogs not keeping weight, the one now having gut trouble. Its been trial and error on that side. My dogs aint ever jacked so i cant comment on that one.. And lets not get carried away, not all his dogs jacked just his " New minshaw" ones did.. Keria never jacked the sister to mine never jacked nor did the pup I bred.. He had two old Minshaw do
  13. dont like the look of it. Simple Thats good you dont have to feed it and pick up its shit... Andy you reacted in typical emotional manner no logical " you and the police blah blah blah " whats going on with your thought process?? I am not on your back, you put I picture up of a dog and you never liked the reply... You said pages back it was not worth a wank, but decided to sell in on... Hey I dont give a hoot about what you do, You can show pictures of conditioned dogs, so can I what point are you trying to make there?? Crying??? I just telt the man to read what
  14. Dean I know where your coming from regard taking the dog in... I know when it was with you, you put everything and more into her.. Bravery pills ??? No i wont sit on the fence or run with the pack, i will just say it as it is... My dog are what they are dogs.. Lurchers , collie crosses yeah they have minshaw in them.. At first I always backed the minshaw lads, but as time went by and i see a few I actually made my own mind up.. I wont blow smoke up nobodys arse its not my style.. As for him having a few bad ones, yeah he has had them.. But He has had some real dogs I have seen
  15. Better pic for you Frankle... Again dog far from its best, was in convelessance after a bad bout of colitius... Thats a Collie cross With 3/4 minshaw in it
  16. Hmmm yeah the photos not the best... Bees in bonnets Pot and kettle, pot and kettle :laugh: . Maybe Andy you mentioned me crying and running maybe its you thats got the problem Your making yourself looking silly now, with me and the police comments... Facts are fact my relationships have nothing to do with dogs... I am sure my scottish friend would not be that keen to go for a flicker with me if there was any substances in your jibes.. Got another few pages going for you... Folk will be able to read this its better than Whins rambling :laugh: I
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