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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Aye like Jackinbox says its running costs these days.. I could not afford to run fast car with todays fuel prices let alone insurance.. I paid £800 fully comp on a scooby 10 years ago would shuder at the price now with having points and loosing my no cliams My pal that had the Vx220 just chucked money away on it, it was rapid nice little weekend summer number but that was it.. I picked a bird up from train station and could not get her case in the car even on her lap, had to give her cash for a taxi and looked a right tosser.. Only took the car to show off
  2. All joking aside,people should respect their little workers, treat them right and feed the poor fuckers for f**k sake Hungry and weak ferrets are not going to give there best
  3. My ferret was a bugger to wake, then I realised It died of starvation :laugh: Should of fed it more bread and milk and not put such a heavy bell on its neck, you live and learn Just micro ferret jills for me now
  4. What was the dogs breeding just to answer the initial posters question ??
  5. Drove my pals VX 220 Fastest car I have driven. I had Scooby back in the day and a corsa SRI That was turd Would like a shot in Lotus or Porsche but am more practical these days with my Deisel van
  6. Were you based ?? Any lurcher ~ lurcher mix sould meet your requirements..
  7. Good deed... Hope it turns out to be somones missing worker or stolen dog.. Not just someones dog thats not made the grade and has been dumped at road side, other wise you have been wasting your cash and time... I would like some one to take my dogs in if they got out rather than straight down the pound.. Top bloke hope it all turns out well
  8. Like the song "I heard it on the grape vine"
  9. pm a postal address giro and ill send you the book top offer that Spot on fella
  10. Anyone got a copy of the book ? ? A cheap jizzed stained, dog eared copy will do. It does not need to be pristine Cheers
  11. What a dog Always fancied a wee one like that for the fallow
  12. Was it not a saluki cross ?? Darcys Scooby ??
  13. Coats are well warm.. Put my hand under my dogs coat in the past was warm as toast.. f*****g daft dog just chews them off every now and then ebays the place for cheap ones make sure you get the right size
  14. The Game Act 1831 - Poaching by Day The Night Poaching Act 1828 dommorris92 its simple you break the law you risk being arrested and taken to court which could lead to criminal conviction.. Loads of lads have been stung ferreting if not on permission.. Its one of the dafted ideas considering the equipment and what a labour intensive and time consuming activity ferreting is.. Its hardly jumping the fence for one for the pot..
  15. All jokes a side I would not recomend poaching or breaking any laws.. dommorris92 I would have a read of the hunitng Act and conduct yourself best you can http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2004/37/contents Might save you some heart ache
  16. Not when the OP threads reads hare shortage as the topic name He ment his head man, middle aged baldings a c**t aint it :laugh:
  17. Terrible even the Hunting Act 2004 allows for acciendents.. Do you think they have it in for you and your lot ??
  18. Shame to hear that.. Sounds rough 4 months for chasing a mogy crackers.. Must be shit hot where you boys go, I will have incountered the law less than 5 occasions over the years. Most were call outs by joe public "as lampings ilegal"
  19. I must admit, I have never had any trouble acquiring land to hunt
  20. 14 years what did he do?? Kidnap,rape and murder the rabbit :laugh: Thats some strech for a rabbit fella..
  21. Do you think you internet stardom Fuji, was final nail in the coffin so to speak. Did they read several pages from the intenet, out in court ??
  22. Yeah food is a great bribe... Pop it in there was a raw meaty bone, it will have hours of pleasure
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