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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Are them Procter "Pest Stop" ones not much cop ??
  2. Is it for song birds ?? Ive a big clamatis and its full of birds.. They have even make nests in it.. Grows well & grows mental if you feed it..
  3. http://www.gwct.org.uk/game/advice/game-cover-top-of-the-crops/ Kale looks a good one ..
  4. Birds go wild for cabbage too.. Woodys hammered my dads cabbage & lettuce..
  5. Easy to grow too.. Chuck a load of carlin's down.. I went crazy with a pea shooter as a kid and peas were popping up all over my dads garden lol
  6. No birds love peas and its good cover.. Always wildlife in stipes of peas lol
  7. Out of intrest if you buy cheap ones, what are the shelve life & what else is there to go wrong with them?? Had some fake fenns fell to bits after they'd fired a few times. I've got 30 traps and have been thinking about getting another 30 or more.. Cheers .
  8. One from Today.. Shame the light was failing.. In his usual spot..
  9. Aye Army Gortex pants do the trick.. No good in mild weather gets a bit sweaty lol But cold wet winter fantastic & cheap enough
  10. Cheers fella.. Thanks for commemnts on site . Keep them coming for the young lad he'll be chuffed ..
  11. Cheers fella.. He'll be pleased you enjoyed it.. Good on the guys that have helped him out..
  12. look like the sort to be ferreting with shotguns. These lads, as well dressed as they are , are genuine lurcher inthusiasts.. They dont ferret with guns and if you read Craigs other article, it gives you a bit more of a feel for the passion and history their family have with their dogs.. http://www.awll.co.uk/wp/2015/10/26/lurchers-as-gundogs/ Theres nothing wrong with a touch of tweed
  13. Another article on the site.. http://www.awll.co.uk/wp/2016/03/09/ferreting-by-bradley/ This was done by a young lad , If youve got time to read it please leave some positive feed back..
  14. Good clip fella.. Looks grand land for hunting.. Dog done well..
  15. Glad its getting there mate.. You can build up the time they spend with each other . Id still crate the pup & not leave them alone when you go to work etc.. Ive had some bad kennel fights and like Skycat states, a wee pup wont have much defence if the older dog kicks off.. Im my dogs are running loose in my yard right now , but ones got a muzzle on. Somethings aint worth the risk and the heart ache..
  16. I had a ebay cheapo and it never worked on the dog full flight.. Sportdog are agood make. If you were local id give a hand with the collar and your dog.. Decent collar will cure the dog..
  17. That was my grandad who relocated them hares for Johnny kingdom. I never seen that one.. How many did he relocate and how are they doing ??
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