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Everything posted by nuggett

  1. shut up you thick c**t stop commenting on someone else page drifter this boys the dullest c**t in the valley tidy boy till the drugs got him is dogs are shit tho just ignore him

  2. did you let the womble have a look sunday

  3. how did you putt up with that thick c**t soapy all day sunday jason must of made you a 6 skinner

  4. il have you banned again its only a phone call

  5. listen now you only went sunday cause me and jason didnt go so less of the lip or you wont go again out with my butty gunter in the morning and we have more than 1 trust me

  6. its the 3 of them lets pop down and kick f**k out of them johny my boy will take care of soapy

  7. mark if you go out with him putt a big pair of pitt boots on at least old charlie die quick soapy kicking f**k out of them with wellies

  8. john its soapy aswell he on it in the day on his fone these 3 dull c**ts aint sharp enough for me

  9. no butt im f****d with work and i aint got a lurcher have to sort a day out with the terriers tho

  10. il bring my boys bottle aswell for you

  11. young dennis and young raymond are quiet 2night wots up girls internet down is it

  12. you want to leave that lager alone in abercynon to strong for you

  13. i know who it is dont worry

  14. night night dwayne

  15. he wont touch my butty hows the pirate down there

  16. good night butty watch the water its cold

  17. john il tell you 2mrow pair of mongols

  18. take plenty of d.v.d to work 2mrow going to be cold

  19. ha ha keep f*****g about with the spelling il wave to you in the morning pecker cant keep a secret who he gave his pass word to

  20. ha ha trust me shit with a capital S you wouldnt know a good f****r it bit you on the nuts thats why you aint got anything any good

  21. goat your f****d i got you ha ha il call to see both of you 2mrow i wont tell johnny cause he burn your f*****g houses down

  22. ha ha ignore the dull c**t john its funny trying to read [bANNED TEXT] he wrote i know who it is not 1 its 2 dull c**ts the dont live far from me

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