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Everything posted by niall_b73

  1. Well good luck i no they were feeding yesterday. Two mates of mine were out yesterday and they got 3 good pike biggest being a 17lber. niall_b73
  2. Just type sloe gin into the search bar on the top of the page and hey presto. niall_b73
  3. sold me old boat and got a new one and finally off for a days pike fishing in the morning.

  4. jeremy wade the mad b*****d with them eel's

    1. Ideation


      Alright mate did you get those wings?

    2. niall_b73


      nothing yet, will let you know when. thanks a million


  5. niall_b73

    sim card

    https://sim1.o2online-media.ie/SimOrderDetail.aspx if you dont mind me asking why o2.ie ? niall_b73
  6. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/231970-working-dogs-indoors/page__fromsearch__1 niall_b73
  7. Well all that said....n for the most the shooting would be for vermin and wildfouling but for pratice purpose's i am thinking of getting cheap clay trap as well as myself the young lad will be looking to get in on the action and having read all the posts i think i am swayed towards the s/s. Still not for sure but i will have to road test both. Thank again for all the posts they do make interesting reading. niall_b73
  8. came across this article : General News 30 December 2011 10:44 A massive 41lb 8oz pike has been taken from a notoriously tough Yorkshire trout water. The previously unknown fish was caught by an angler who was fishing the venue for the first time, and incredibly came on just his third cast of the day, using a lure from the bank. The fishery only allows only a few pike fishing days per winter and the biggest pike ever taken before was just 26lb. For the full story and pictures see next Tuesday’s Angling Times. niall_b73 cracking fish of a lifetime and well done that man
  9. so then it basically boils down to (and not being afraid to look like zak dingle) your own preference or more so what you have started off with and gotten used to !! thanks for that reply sporting shooter. i dont no why and am not sure but i have it in my head that i personally would like the s/s better. i guess i will have to sample both first and take it from there. niall_b73
  10. thanks for that. i have (waiting on) a baikal 12g single barrel as a starter gun so as i can get used to it. thinking of purchasing the item below, a clay trap: http://www.ebay.ie/i...=item43ac44bf22 would it be any good as a starter to get some practice in seeing as the season's nearly over or should i look for something a little better. niall_b73
  11. ok so i am new to the whole shot gun thing and am trying to get things sorted in my head and to understand better the workings of the sport. currently purchased a first shotgun but what i want to know is: 1. what is the difference between an under and over and a side by side shotgun (apart from the barrel layout to save myself some slagging) ? 2. which is the better, if there is a better and why ? many thanks. niall_b73
  12. This thread is from ireland so prob not much use tho i will post it anyway: http://touch.boards.ie/thread/2056496215?page=1#post_76196113 niall_b73
  13. wishes this wind would die off a bit so he could get some shut eye

  14. Also the first salmon of the liffey: http://fishinginireland.info/news/salmon-reports/the-first-salmon-landed-of-2012/ i was not out fishing myself but was watching them on the drowes and there was a great turnout niall_b73
  15. your fingers before for me but dont see it matters as long as its off before cooking reason i ask is i was given a rabbit a few years back and soaked it in salt water when i took it out it was covered in slime like snot.Kinda put me off it and the ferrets ended up with it. niall_b73
  16. With reguards to the thin membrain, take it off before or after soaking in the salty water also what is the best method to remove it ?? Niall_b73
  17. The first salmon of the 2012 fishing season has been caught by Dungannon angler Ian Marin from The Blackwater Pool shortly after midday today. Ian, who also caught the first salmon on opening day last year took the 8lbs fish on a cone head Collie Dog and landed the fish after a 20 minute fight in very high water conditions.
  18. Sorry for your loss. niall_b73
  19. is wondering where he could get his had on a pheasants wing for his pup ?

    1. niall_b73


      nice 1 mate greatly appreciated and many thanks...

    2. niall_b73


      ideation... mate i tried to message you but it says you cannot recieve any more messages. your inbox may be full.


    3. Ideation
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  20. i looked in my spam filters and nothing !! niall_b73
  21. Excellent. Any idea how I can solve my joining problem? i also joined the fourm when you posted this thread and like that am still awaiting the activation email !! niall_b73
  22. happy christmas to one and all

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