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Everything posted by niall_b73

  1. i am pretty sure it is illegal to move fish from one water to another. http://www.defra.gov.uk/aahm/ " I caught a nice fish but don't want to keep it. Can I release it into another lake or river? It is illegal to move fish from one public water to another without a fish stocking permit. Moving fish between waters can introduce diseases, disrupt the adaptive characteristics of a local populations, or cause competition between species that negatively affects game fish and aquatic resources. " http://www.in.gov/dn...d/3616.htm#nice that said, the way that the eel problem is now
  2. i was wondering is there anyway this could be done free. niall_b73
  3. http://www.whitbyseaanglers.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=26334.msg220930#msg220930 niall_b73
  4. nice fish :toast: http://www.whitbyseaanglers.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=26334.msg220930#msg220930 niall_b73
  5. aye they are a great fighting wee fish, great craic playing them and seeing them skip all over the surface of the water. the free lined sand eel seems to be the best method of all for trying to catch them and is great value when you feel the take which can be a good thump when the rod tip getting the bang. i do see a few people trolling for them but i am not sure what setup they are using and wheather or not they are trolling sandeel or lures niall_b73
  6. the mackerel are in a while now and very early for them. i was out last monday and there were plenty from shore being caught in the deeper water. best thing to do is ask about niall_b73
  7. i have this little gadget on my phone and it is pretty handy for costal water and for looking up the tides in your area. normally costing up to £20 on the android market it is free on this site. anyway here is the link, enjoy: http://www.freehtcdownloads.com/search_results.html?type=all&search_field=Navionics+Marine+ below is the uk & ireland charts: http://www.freehtcdownloads.com/download-id-135590-name-Navionics+Marine+UK-Holland+v5+3.html below is a link from android explaining the ins and outs of the app and how much it would cost if you were to purchase it but w
  8. this is it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr1tgQtlKYY niall_b73
  9. that is also supposed to be true but upper and lower lough erne are legally netted to cacth all eel moving towards the sea. this is done by kathleen falls, the hydropowerstation and they are then put on to tanks and driven down to ballyshannon jetty the other side of the dam and released into the erne estuary where the seals, cormorants and the rest are all waiting for them. i have wittnesed this myself. niall_b73
  10. i got a licence for it last year and bank fished it a couple of times, got nothing. i have not tried it since, thats not to say that there is nothing there tho. i live not to far away from it but i have never herd of any good catch reports, there again i could be listening in the wrong places !! niall_b73
  11. I came across this clip on facebook. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOrspmMg7fg&feature=youtube_gdata_player niall_b73
  12. all sorted folks and cheers for the conflicting advice. in the end i let the dog have a few cold retrieve's which i have to say was as funny as fook after she initally got over her inquisitive shyness of it. i took the wings off it and have them tied around her dummey. as for eating it now there is no chance, she has it in bits. niall_b73
  13. i seen the car hit it and the blood was running out of it when i picked it up. so would she eat it then or shall i just bin it ? niall_b73
  14. while out and about today i came across a fresh pheasent carcase killed by a car up ahead of me. so i lifted it and put it into the boot. i have a 7 month old springer at home, would it be ok to throw her the fresh carcase if i skinned and gutted it ? niall_b73
  15. been out quite a few times lately, only seem to be catching jacks tho. had to get rid of the last boat, could'nt keep petrol to the engine so we yet again purchased another. this time this one is better suited to our piking needs but no more sea fishing now tho. the new rig what about yourself, any big ladies...... niall_b73
  16. i was crusing the shooting section of boards.ie and came across this thread " Help to control rabbits?" not sure if they got it sorted yet so just thought i would post it here anyway. http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2056242768 niall_b73
  17. thanks all. this is not my own personal quest tho i do agree with it, but one that mick brown was pushing on his facebook. i just thought if i stuck it on here it would get a few more signatures. niall_b73
    1. Born Hunter

      Born Hunter

      Is it not a bit like petitioning for keepers to be banned from killing foxes?

    2. niall_b73


      Why kill them. pratice catch and release and that will leave the sport open for years to come. no point having water without fish !!

    3. Born Hunter

      Born Hunter

      That's not what I said but I'll leave you to it fella.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  18. sign the petition: http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/saynotokillingpike And another.... http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/protectdollaghan niall_b73
  19. Well done lad nice fish niall_b73
  20. breaking news.... bobby brown found dead in hotel room !! his suicide note simply said, "two can play at that game".

  21. Well done, good to see fish being caught niall_b73
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