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Everything posted by niall_b73

  1. If i used my normal fly gear i would not be able to lift some of them fly's, and to set the hook, my rod would be bent over to the handle, but i have got a 8dt line and a 8-9 weight rod that never get's used and i have been thinking of trying it out, but have heard you need 10-11 wt gear, thank's for the set up guide niall, if you made your own trace's, would you have a loop one end and a safe-lok link the other end, or is there some other link, thank's. that is pretty much it for me on the trace, yeah the loop on one end and the safe-lok on the other. just depends what type safelock tho.
  2. aye i wet the fly in the water before i used it, squeesed it like a sponge a few times that done the trick. and i think i will stick with the sinking line as it has done the buisness so far so i think i have found the setup i like and will stick with that for a while tho will be experiment inbetween. cheers niall_b73
  3. well we normally trawl the water that we fish on because of the sheer amount of water there is to cover. when either of us hook into a fish on the trawl we switch off the engine and reel the fish in but what ever the effect of a pike being caught on the trawl has on the pike it seems to knock the pike out if you know what i mean. in other words the pike could be reeled in just like an old boot and no life out of it untill it reaches the boat when it then decides to try to get away. but with the 2 fly caught pike, from the moment they were caught till the moment i netted them in the boat, th
  4. What do you have coming off your flyline, is it a braided loop, then 30lb of mono, then do you use wire that you make deadbait trace's with, or some other wire, i have seen something like a stiff piece of wire with i think loop's both end's coming of the mono, then an attatchment for the fly, is this right, and do you think it would better to start with a sinking line then, is this right, just that i do want to give it ago, but would try to sort it with some of the fly gear i have first, instead of buying it straight away. yes first the fly line then the braided loop then i have 5/6 foot of
  5. i have never tied my own fly but have been browsing the net at different starter kits. i recon there would be a great buzz catching a fish on a fly that you have tied yourself. tho i at the minute wont be purchasing a kit but will not rule it out for the future niall_b73
  6. the rod is a 9ft 10 weight, the reel is a 7/8 but i think i need a bigger reel !! i have floating and sinking line. i make the leader myself 30lb (prob should be heavier) tied to a normal wire trace. i started with the floating line but the lures would not go under the water so changed to the sinking and that made all the difference, the flies went right where i wanted them to go. like i said above this is pretty new to me so if it seems wrong dont be afraid to correct me or give a few pointers. (also if ye want to tie me up a few i would be more than happy to give them a lash for ya)
  7. he caught it on a spinning rod and lucky lure with 10lb line so was great crack watching him playing the fish and seeing him sweat every time it thrashed its tail and took off into the abyss. he did well to get her in niall_b73
  8. ok so it is soon my birthday and i got a complete pike fly fishing setup from my missus. i got the chance to go out yesterday and give it a road test. by the end of the day i had managed to get 2 jacks on the fly but my mate managed a better pike on his lucky bargain bucket lure that never fails him. my 1st pike caught on the fly # 2 my mates pike caught at the end of the day on his lucky bargain bucket lure i have to say there is great satisfaction in feeling even the smallest pike on the fly rod, a great feeling of every move the pike makes with the light gear a
  9. great pic's there mate and a cracking wee boat setup, nice 1 niall_b73
  10. http://fishinginireland.info/news/sea-reports/massive-smoothhound-south-east-wexford-a-record-breaker/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IrishAnglingUpdate+%28Irish+Angling+Update%29&utm_content=Google+International niall_b73
  11. we need more judges like him niall_b73
  12. I was out all day today and all we got was 3 mackerel but got a shit load of small pollack. niqll_b73
  13. Congrats to that man, fish of a lifetime. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18225407 niall_b73
  14. I was out this morning for an hour or so with the missus and blanked but there was a hell of an easterly wind blowing. things have calmed now so might go again in the morning atb niall_b73
  15. heading out in the morning.try to get a few for bbq n carryout. well did you get any ?? i was down there now watching a few lads fishing off a pier in donegal and they were pulling in mackerel every cast so i have my gear ready for the high water in the morning niall_b73
  16. i have had the pleasure of using some of his lures and they are as good as any of the top brands out there. yeah there are some nice lures in his collection and only half the price of similar looking lures ;-) niall_b73
  17. ok so i know this guy "roy vincent jacobs" through facebook that has his own buisness selling pike lures amongst other fishing items. anyway to cut a long story short he is now looking for field testers for his products. (i really did not want to share this with anybody) have a look on his blogsite for instructions on how to apply: http://lureapike.blo...pike-field.html also his facebook page: http://www.facebook....100002732018897 his site: http://www.lureapike.co.uk/ he does have some pretty sexy looking lures on there so good luck if applying great lures at reasonable
  18. ask at a club local to you they could probably point you in the right direction. if you already have the kit just do what i did and stand in a field and pratice untill you get the basics but there is nothing like proper tuition. i do have a contact in fermanagh who teaches fly fishing, he himself is only one of a few in the country that have such certificates for flyfishing. niall_b73
  19. i have never snared anything as of yet. but while taking the dog on walks in different areas i can clearly see that i am sourounded by loads of rabbits. i have been reading up on here for a while about it and watching clips on youtube about snaring but all seem to be about snaring rabbits on land with plenty of features. the thing is where they are with me it is mostly flat land, no trees, bushes, fences nothing. just flatish land with burrow after burrow full of rabbits. a few pics: so if i decide to snare this bit of land what would be a good plan to do so. not decide
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