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Everything posted by darencross

  1. hi all I now this has proberly been done before but has anyone any info and pics of punch thanks
  2. How old is it and why u getting rid and where abouts are u
  3. It looks like its got a queen annes leg lads and its only its left front leg
  4. Hi all im after some info on ricket as my bros pup has a bow in its front leg thanks dc
  5. 1 that works well and stays with the quarry till dug to
  6. Hi all what dos the insurance cover thanks
  7. They look bigger fella but nice and well built atb for the future with them mate
  8. How tts are the 2 in second pic fella and there a nice type of terrier atb with me
  9. Black. Chocolate . Red . White. Blue . Fawn . Sandy. Rough coated. Smooth coated.long coated ect ect what dos it matter aslong as there bred from proven lines and they graft
  10. Theres a thread on here about fell terriers fella look it up
  11. Mik any more pics of ur pens finished im looking at building some like that in the new year thanks DC
  12. Hi all has anyone any pics and info on this cross as digging mooching dog thanks dc
  13. Hi lads any chance of a few pics off theses show winning working terriers as im yet to see 1 thanks DC
  14. hows he bred and nice dog fella
  15. hi all any keepers looking for a beater to help out on shoot days in leyburn catterick or richmond plz pm me thanks
  16. had a bitch out of reeces billy what a bag of shit that was
  17. Hi all has anyone got any pics and info on stronge terriers from old days and present day working thanks
  18. as the title says lads ive seen 2 dogs of this cross in the flesh and are very tidy animals . i would like to see some pics of other lads courseing bulls and some info on them i.e temper training and working thanks
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