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Everything posted by pepa

  1. Mine came from the import you were talking about. http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/legal-beagles-are-vcats-bone-of-contention/2005/09/19/1126982001967.html?from=moreStories When they banned him from using them one of the hunt clubs took them on. I got mine because they were only breeding for Black & Tans and mine threw mainly White with a bit of Tan. Fine for me, I am not too fussed about the colour as long as it hunts.
  2. I have a 7 month old bitch that is a nice type and is already showing a bit, surprisingly big and is already working through Blackberries which a lot of dogs that age wont. But time will tell.
  3. pepa


    Look like good dogs mate, we don't have any blue de gascoin in Australia, would love to see how they go. I am surprised none of the Vendeen coat was passed onto your bitch. I have a Vendeen and have just put it over my Basset X Beagle All the Bassets over here are deformed things so I thought put a bit of Beagle into them to give them a bit of leg, and the Vendeen's are not a bad build for a Basset. Both dogs are going well on Foxes in thick cover, so hopefully this cross should click well.
  4. Nice pack mate what % does the dog on the left have of Vendeen. I recently got a purebred one and have been pleasantly surprised how well it works.
  5. I think you are spot on there Border Man, I had a hound that was doing exactly what you described but he loved to hunt, so I just waited until he was red hot on game and made sure he was well away from me (about 250 meters) and let a shot off. I just kept letting the shots off closer and closer to him over a few months and last week he came through on his first Fox wasn't bothered by the shot at all and scragged the dead Fox. Perfect, problem solved
  6. Hi Guys I use a lead with a couple of clips on the end, just wondering if couples are better than doing this and if so why, Also all couples I see are sewn into the collar so how do you release your dog, do you have to unhook the collar each time. I can understand this with terriers where you only want a locator collar on but I hunt with Beagles a lot and want to release the dog and leave its collar on. Sorry for the silly questions but I havent seen people use couples in Australia and was wondering if it was worth me getting some.
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