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Everything posted by jpt

  1. Some sound advice Haggler. The only way to learn is by having ago for yourself. The only other thing I would say is to be very carful when entering an inexperianced dog to ground. You could end up in tears if your dog gets hurt! I suppose thats just a risk you will have to take. If possible I would suggest that you shoot a fox first and let the terriers have ago at it when it is already dead. I have never done any digging at all so I suppose I can not really comment but what the hell! JPT
  2. What are you moaning about? I cooked that lot myself and its absolutly bloody smashing! JPT
  3. Whats wrong with brocali and beans? I also have shit loads of salt and vinigar on there aswell and two slices of thick white bread smothered in butter. I need to eat like that every day otherwise I start fading away! LOL
  4. I Bellman and Flint have got it sorted for the couplers. Good quality and price aswell. Your collars look good and I think you have very competative prices amongst your market. I would buy one but I like my leather to much if you know what I mean! Oh and just ignore idiots posting shit like that
  5. I agree that is a very useful post. It is mad how somthing so small can be so dangerous! (A bit like the Chinese) LOL
  6. As long as you and the dog enjoy it then where is the harm?
  7. I tell you what. That hit the spot!
  8. How long were you at it to catch 51! Nice bit of land by looks of things. I can only wish I catch that many rabbits. Well done to you all. JPT
  9. He is now 15 months old. I have a ferret aswell so I use him for marking. I decided one day to buy a tourch from b&q and have ago at lamping. He has just picked it up. I keep him on a lead untill he has seen the rabbit and then let him off. Its as simple as that! The ticks I found and sprayed on sunday seem to have died. Keep an eye out for them little sods I tell you what! JPT
  10. Which type would be best? I am thinking about getting one you see and I would like some advice. Am I right in thinking that the type used to race have more stamina that those used to corse? Help me with please! :11: JPT P.S. Any pics welcome
  11. I agree with you. Just because my dog is of a certain breed I should not lamp it? Forget that. I am off out in a min to have a quick shine on my permission. JPT
  12. Mink are a no no matey boy! Shit init? He has seen fox at night but they are to far away for him to catch and anyway that sort of hunting is no banned. I have seen loads of wildlife whilst mooching with him. I have seen fox, badger, hedgehog, owl, buzzard, rabbit, tiny mice and a wild pole cat. My mate was driving home the other night and saw a bird hit by a car so he went back and snapped its neck and fed it to the ferret. She loved it! JPT
  13. Funny enough I went to look at a litter of whippets at the weekend. I am unsure as to which role my dog should play out in the field as he is 20 inch to the shoulder. He can not go to ground although he tries! I have no idea how to hunt for rats and the only other thing left for him to have ago at is rabbits. He loves it so thats good enough for me. I would just like to say to all of those who work there terriers to ground that if you breed working dogs then somewhere along the line one of them is going to end up as a pet. Is this really so bad as long as the dog is happy? Just because th
  14. Is that another one? The dogs looking good mate. JPT
  15. f**k me! I did not know they could kill. Why dont things like wasps kill ticks because lets face it they do nothing for us do they? All annoying insects should be trained to kill for our purposes. I am going to breed a tick killing insect and sell them on ebay! Ha Ha JPT
  16. I was giving my dog a pat last nite before bed and I noticed what I thought was a spot on his muzzle. I had a look and found a few more and soon relised that they were not spots but rather ticks instead. Anyway I took him to the vet this morning and they sold me some frontline and a green plastic tick removing device. They are all very small so I am guessing he has caught them from the 2 rabbits he caught on wednesday and thursday night. How unlucky can you get. The vet said I should get used to seeing them if I am going to be working him so thats that. Just one more thing, Argh you f**
  17. Good luck with the ferreting. I am new to it aswell. Sounds like a nice dog. You will have to get some pics on here for us to have a look. JPT
  18. One sweet looking pup you have got there. Best of luck with her. JPT
  19. WOW! I did not know that I would cause such a stir when I posted my picture and comments last night! I am new to all of this hunting lark and I have the bug. All I want to do is get out there and enjoy watching my dog work. I was unaware of the hunting dogs normally used to go out lamping when I got my dog. He is the best thing since sliced bread in my eye and to see him happy is my aim. I understand that the working terrier man might not understand my choice of quarry bit I am doing what I can with what I have got and one day who knows...... I admire a real terrier doing real
  20. Dont know about that matey boy! You will have to wait and see. He had a good go at it before I got to it so............. He is getting a bit frisky with me! He is very excited at the minuite so I am trying to calm him down. JPT
  21. Nice catch you got there. Just starting out ferreting altogether and I would be chuffed to bits with 5! JPT
  22. Chuffin hell! How bloody high? What the f**k are you feeding your horse?! LOL JPT
  23. My terrier has got 2 now. One last nite and again one tonight!
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