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Everything posted by reggaeman

  1. well done mate. dylan seems to enjoy going out with you pal. i realised it when he was out with us the 1st time we came up there. WELL DONE DYLAN!!! must've done alright if ya dad is using it as footage
  2. i do have a red filter but its split on the rubber and i have made a temp repair but works fine
  3. hi all. i have for sale as above a tracer stinger torch with scope mount and pressure switch. only 1 week old only been out once which is when i realised i needed a bigger lamp for the areas i shoot in! this is in perfect working order with box. i'm looking for 40 pounds and for that price its posted. dont get me wrong. this is a good light but does not meet my needs. thanks atb chris
  4. lol lol zini i cant wait til joey reads that. yeah Davy its great that people like us on here can team up to hunt. i'm forever in debt to mr.zini for allowing us to meet up with him cheers again si! on your thread davy you got 3 big fat bunnies there fella
  5. nice shooting davy. good write up and pics too regards Chris
  6. made wuzzy a happy man today. we skinned the bunnies we shot at zini's excellent permission and managed to retreive one of the pellets you gave him last night zini lol lol.
  7. bsa ultra and daystate harrier fella marksman. your quite right mate. too many people drive whilst tired and become stats. better to leave it and shoot another day pal. peace
  8. go on si!!! quick shots there fella. i didn't know you could shoot that well
  9. glad your daughter is ok festa. patterdale kebab zini? lol lol. only thing zin will teach any other dog is how to grab,rag and smash skulls which is good for you gary anyone who's seen zin in action knows how focused on the job he is. ne's MENTAL!!! anyway guys. tea is calling so peace out and see you all soon
  10. sorry about that. wuzzy left himself logged in oops!
  11. i agree festa. thats what forums like this are all about well done davy. always nice to hear that theres others out there still willing to help. good man
  12. nice one mate. see you tonight
  13. you and your bloody toys si lol lol. i can sort of understand why your missus wants more shoes good write up and pics fella. when you've finished your dvd i wouldn't mind a copy of it if poss anyway mate see you tomorrow and peace out. chris
  14. Nice one fella what time you want us there for ?
  15. looks the bo**ocks mate can't wait to sit my ultra on it to zero in lol lol. is it better than your last one? i reckon both me and wuzzy could do thurs night ( if we're not intruding that is ?) would be nice to meet up with you all again since we didn't see festa and marksman last time we were there. hows things going on your latest new permission si
  16. lucky sod i'm still struggling to find some permission of my own. well done fella. lots to shoot there and lots of land to shoot it on
  17. hi there fella. hope you enjoy the forum mate. theres some great people on here. make friends and peace out
  18. hi and welcome to the thl! hope you find what your looking for and enjoy
  19. hi fella. you wanna check out rochdale air gun club cos its a nice chilled out atmosphere with great people to shoot with i really enjoyed myself at the open day today. many thanks to darren and joey
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