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Everything posted by reggaeman

  1. Yeah Tony. we had a blast again fella Zini always looks after us when we're up there with him. The R10 made the shot easier for me to be honest pal but as i'm always told" you still need to be able to shoot in confidence" but like ive already said mate. i was pleased with the shot Regards Chris
  2. g'day fletch. hope you enjoy your stay
  3. cant say i'm suprised fella You've loved the ultra from day 1 of me coming up with it. My next gun is defo a multi shot :clapping: I am trying to save for that so i can hopefully treat myself to a self bought xmas pressie lol lol The ultra tactical should look mint when you get it pal. Regards Chris
  4. horrible little diaease ridden little s*its arent they? good going fella. i hate em Regards Reggaeman
  6. another great night and write up zini. Bill the R10 belongs to zini but yes i shot with it. i was really impressed with the shot myself Zini has got a cracking combo there and i'm glad i didn't let his trusty R10 down lol lol. I have to say though, each time we meet up with zini he does come out with some cracking statements( you know what i'm talking about si lol lol ). your choice of words really tickled me yet again mate!!! Anyway like i say it was a great night again even though it was windy as hell and raining and it was nice to see festa and marksman again( even if it was for a sh
  7. not long to wait now Si before you do lol. seeyou in a few hours pal I too find the loading of the mag fiddly too farmboy. wuzzy seems to cope though and thats the main thing. Regards Chris
  8. i know that Si and its really appreciated
  9. got a few more letters out today Si so i've got my fingers crossed ( and my toes ) that some generous land owner will get back to me soon. I felt that one of the women we called on was in need of some vermin control so we'll just have to wait and see Most of the people round here either tell me they take care of their own land or we're just given a point blank NO!!! Hopefully my persistance will pay off one day. Regards Chris
  10. i totally agree with you farmboy99. wuzzy went thru a full tin of pellets last sunday at the range. its just so easy to empty the mag over and over again lol lol
  11. hi migmog. the gun looks like a nice piece of equipment pal. i shoot aa fields thru my bsa ultra fella and i've no complaints
  12. wealthy man when you sell all those dvd's mate
  13. thats a fair size squizzer that fella. barney must be bowing at your feet now lol lol. fingers crossed that the weather holds off tomorrow eh i certainly need my fix ha ha ha
  14. hi daz. be safe fella in afghan pal when you going?
  15. hi farmboy99. wuzzy is just off line at mo but i'm sure he'll be pleased to know you're happy with the deal i'll let him know your comments when he gets home later pal. Regards Reggaeman
  16. you and your bloody r10 si lol. festa you know you've no chance. you cant seperate a man and his gun Good shooting again si but i gotta agree with festa: " i want your job"
  17. now you know why i had a giggle at your last qoute si lol lol. you certainly have a way with words fella
  18. Lol lol. I certainly will mate. Can't wait til sat Si mate. I'm in need of a fix and have been for days now ha ha
  19. here here mate like zini says the ultra is one of the cheaper pcp's but not to be taken lightly it's a deadly peice of equipment!!! depends on your personal preference fella Regards Reggaeman
  20. good shooting lads and cracking write up again cant wait to get up there and give em what for with my ultra. very nice of you to hold back til we come up too good shot on the jackdaw si hope to see you guys at the weekend. peace out. Regards Chris
  21. the squizzers at your place are solid fella. big and hard as fook
  22. zini you know you'd miss em at 10 meters lol lol
  23. hi fella and enjoy THL. Regards Reggaeman
  24. nope. still broken daz i will pass the message on to him fella Chris
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