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Everything posted by reggaeman

  1. nice going yet again zini you know how much i love hitting those hard little sh*ts at your place cant wait til we're up there again for a full day to enjoy a bit of squizzer bashing and taking you for a pint of the old bulmers (with ice of course). just having a bit of a problem with my car at the mo but i hope to get it sorted in next day or two. anyway hope to see you and the terrorist real soon. regards Chris
  2. dear me Si. You say ive got an easy life lol lol. nice shooting again mate regards Chris
  3. yes it was another great night out with good mates. cheers Si nice to see my terrorist mate doing the business again too cos i ant seen him for a while i must admit though pal i am in agreement with wuzzy and would love to have a daytime shoot sometime and see zin doing what he loves doing. thanks for remarks on shot of the night too pal. i was quite pleased with that shot myself(could you tell? lol lol) anyway pal. thanks again for a cracking night and we'll no doubt see you again soon. regards Chris
  4. i bet she's a little cracker now god help the bunnies when her and zin are out together lol atb mate Chris
  5. nice going guys. fair bag there too. i need to get out more with my ultra lol. hows the little dog doing gary? bet she's a fair size now eh atb Chris
  6. dear me si. the lengths you will go to just for an ultra lol lol. Once i find the HW100 i may sell mine!!! NAH JUST KIDDING Anyway thats me done for now so peace out all Chris
  7. hey there rabbit. when u gonna come shoot with us?
  8. oh yes Zini. three cracking shots again The footage is cock on again mate and i just love the way the crow nose dives from the top of the light lol lol. Keep up the good work pal and hopefully we'll see you soon Regards Chris
  9. yeah hey zini. I knew it would all work out lol lol. Gary said it could be a blessing in disquise and it obviously was ( god damn that geordie luck lol) anyway pal, congrats on the victory and tough shit to the :wankerzo4: for trying to impede on your permission. All the very best pal. Chris
  10. i always shot with hw77 but gotta admit i've seen the AA Prosport in action and its deadly atb Chris
  11. it doesn't help fella with fireworks going off and kids looking over ya shoulder Is there something we need to know Tony? "halloween night in a graveyard" lol lol At least you didn't leave empty handed pal. Nice write up again. Regards Chris
  12. thanks for the kind remarks K.O.T. We always try to do the business wherever we shoot pal . Glad you enjoy our write ups when we put them on. We enjoy what we do and its a pleasure sharing the moment atb Chris
  13. Hi Tim. i'm very interseted in coming to sheff to shoot with you. i live in todmorden west yorks and would gladly travel 45 miles to have a good shoot with you Is there room for more than 1 person? as i am a member of a gun club i would like to include a couple of friends? We are all insured so long as it can be classed as a club outing but also have personal ins thru b.a.s.a. Sorry we dont have dogs but we're all 3 of us good shots and would love to help you out if your interested if so pm me and any questions will be answered. Regard
  14. nice going and welcome back to the sport fella
  15. fingers are firmly crossed si. loved reading this one and the little gestures. anyone who knows you should know you aint gonna roll over and take the crap i wish you the very best of luck mate. i must admit the bit that tickles me is the fact the :wankerzo4: was afraid to get out of his car cos he was scared he may be hit by stray bullets lol lol lol. what a knob!!! anyway mate we'll hopefully see you again soon. ATB Chris
  16. way hey mr zini. thats a hell of a shot fella. Dylan is loving doing the filming lol Chris
  17. big thanks to daz for the loan of the 77k you made Heiko a happy man that day pal. Regards Chris
  18. if ever i did have to pick one up Bill i'd batter it with lead over and over again and then i'd have to wear a bite proof type glove lol lol The job i do has made me aware of the diseases them little buggers carry Regards Chris
  19. nice going Si. Myself personally could shoot the s*it out of rats although i've never had the opportunity but i'm not sure i could touch the horrible little fooker lol lol. does this mean i'm a wimp? Regards Chris
  20. nice going Tony i love the look of the viper and yes your grin says it all lol lol. the concept gun looks mint fella Regards Chris
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