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benji benji

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Everything posted by benji benji

  1. tyskie thats decent stella good sometimes becks carling abit watery
  2. 7 pound each new in allotment shop
  3. got 2 free to good home doncaster very small ferret and polecat working
  4. stealths are shit mate nowt but a big pain in arse
  5. 100pound mate works fine loads of batterys but would rather a airgun
  6. 15ft finder and coller for sale 10 nets and 2 working jills very small finder works fine loads of spare batterys its a mk1 will swap for air gun 177 prefered or lithium battery
  7. not all people are the same ... wasent having a dig mate just saying...... i like a dig myself just a different kind you look for treasure or whatever i prefer chicken killers the smellly red kind
  8. ive a good bit of permisssion in doncaster and for some reason the farmer hates people with metal detectors dont know why bit weird if you ask me maybe hes had a bad experience
  9. its shit and a pain in arse got to bath them every week for f*****g ages bring him down ile jab it for you
  10. if you wire neg to poss will stay same if you wire opposite will double and syay same amp google it piece of piss
  11. am also after somewhere in south yorkshire i can pick some up from or a reliable supplier
  12. got 1 in doncaster free if you pick it up
  13. this is why i think its good to have a failed earth dog so you can check depth let it have its 10 min and if its not that deep dig it .i know a kid with a ten minute wonder he wont get rid because feeding 1 more terrier costs f**k all can be collerd up left of lead when searching for new sets or cheacking depths why lose a good terrier and although everyone gives it the big man i know quite a few lads that have borrowed it to check earths and some that wont admit it each to there own
  14. take a bottle of water and a empty coke bottle with a few pebles in blast him with water then shake the noisey bottle in his face every time he does it he soon stop also try nipping his skin on side of dog witch will take his attention of dog and strong command
  15. ainsley hariot and june saprong ile gi the twat percey pepper straight in his teeth and her of question of sport who does a fake laugh every time someone speaks the daft bitch and that nobhead not funny comedian with curly hair whos shaging katie perry what a prick
  16. ive got a 12g sbs bit rough but shoots perfect good rough shooting gun not 2 long
  17. ive got 20 if your intrested am in doncaster and can pick up tomorow
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