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benji benji

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Everything posted by benji benji

  1. should torture them for a week and when there on verge of death burn the fuckers in power station and give us some free electric if we burnt all nonces rapeists smack heads and any other low life fuckers we minght get 5er of lecky bill
  2. whats the cheapest mincer that will mince rabbit carcass bones inc
  3. dont get no shit down my way of stoners cause they carnt be arsed to do owt its your piss heads fighting running over cars swearing genrally being c**ts i would prefer all little fuckers round my way swop beer for weed anti social behavior would be cut 10 fold
  4. all terriers mature at different ages mate normally try about 18 month try to young and you will f**k it up then your left with a dog no good for earth work and a lot of wasted time and effort and got to start all over when dogs ready you will know dont rush it atb
  5. how can you compare a dog to a poxy chicken
  6. ile have a look please mate
  7. How would you like some feker ringing your neck or twating you on the feking head if you had piles, you would not like it would you? your just being fecking stupid now how would you like someone keeping you in a coop all day long,feeding you pellets and the odd scraps,you would not like it would you i wouldnt like 2 terriers ripping me to bits but i like ratting dont like being shot in head but i like to shoot rabbits ring the chickins neck and get a fuking grip on a 1 to 10 of stupid replies yours is a 10 i wasent taking the piss as stated in first reply but who the fucks guner massa
  8. its a 5 pound chicken if it came to massageing its arse with cream i would just ring its neck and buy another not taking the piss mate i know you only looking out for it but ring its neck and buy another failing that knock it on head and ile give you another ive got plenty
  9. forget the anti bark collers buy a hose pipe and drench the little f****r for 15 min in face everytime he barks wont take more than 3 days before problem stops even dogs that like water you can break them in a week why spend money when you dont have to
  10. ive got a drop box trap if its any good to you catch as many as you like will swap for antything hunting related . not a cheap homemade one either a metal one
  11. looks a nice dog hope someone gives him a chance like said above plenty wankers on here
  12. maybe not but i bet you still get the old line if i were only closer
  13. anyone want to swap it for another rifle condition not important seems a pitty to ruin a gun that old in that good condition . another rating gun will do
  14. cheers mate looks like its got a new fancy trigger on to
  15. hi i have just aquired a diana g36 22 cal its got a very good stock very smooth to shoot and its very quite any info would be nice also if anyone knows roughly what there worth
  16. who was that mate just intrested thats all
  17. any chance of a bit more info on how you put wd40 can in
  18. my hw had no piston sleve and ive had a few mate also do you think i should put 1 back in if so milk bottle or beer can what works best
  19. cracking pup my bitch is the spit of yours
  20. well you learn something new everyday
  21. sorry its in wrong section can a mod move it to correct place please
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