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benji benji

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Everything posted by benji benji

  1. if there were a god there wouldnt be rapists and pedofiles and wankers who throw babys at walls and so on and if am wrong and hes reading this get your finger out your arse and start torturing some pedofiles
  2. if your ex backs him up then the police will say he bought the dog in good faith so legally your f****d
  3. ile give you 500 mate all i got
  4. i use them baracudas in my 25cal career 707 31 grains is a good weight
  5. where you from mate ile sell mine and buy yours if you close enough
  6. would you do a deal on a striker lamp like new in box and batrey recently bought 12v 10ah and a fox net
  7. about 40 each 70 for both well thats what i would pay
  8. hi kids broke my computer last night so have to use libary if you need to get in touch my number is 07776414551 or txt me and ile ring you back very intrested in dog and if are still wanting a home for him am your man you can visit him whenever you want and will keep you posted on his progress look foward to hearing from you ben

  9. ive got a 25 version its fantastic hits like a sledge hammer
  10. bet hes never even seen a good dog the muppet
  11. well said mate theres always 1 isnt there
  12. where abouts you live and will he be able to be penned with my bitch pat or is he a fighter
  13. can you send me some pics 07776414551 am not far from you and my friends after 1
  14. would you swap it for that 25 cal mate still in perfect order
  15. mates got a airdale greyhound and its leathal no reverse gear
  16. anyone also can someone please move this to a airgun topic instead of cooking thank you
  17. definatly not the titan i put one in my lightning and it lost power in a month shit shit shit springs shit
  18. i have posted this a few times but to no avail can someone please tell me where to buy a silencer for a 25cal career 707 and whats the best 1 failing that is there [NO TEXT TALK] who will make me 1 or does anyone know of someone who makes custom silencers . any help would be appreshiated sorry about the spelling
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