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death boy

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About death boy

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 21/06/1989

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Shooting, Running dogs, All hunting types
  1. [bANNED TEXT] caliber where you using mate
  2. i shot my first ever fox last nite with my 22.250 i split its face in two with 55gr soft points but had no phone to take a pic i seen two more after 0ne was not a safe shot and [bANNED TEXT] we move for a betta shot it had gone and the last one of the night it was 200 plus yard lovely shot but i missed [bANNED TEXT] a muppet betta luck next time jay
  3. how you doin mate is it jay matts mate.

  4. go out with one and make your own opinion!! its obvious they will be stronger than a bedo cross but both crosses have advantages over the other so stupid really to compare them. i have both types and both hunt as good as each other but personally i prefer the bulls attitude to life and thats what sways me nothing to do with work tho!! Is that bull x called queeny?
  5. some nice looking dogs mate i would love a go on them they look like alot of fun
  6. there is some very nice dogs on there lads atb jay
  7. nice looking pups there mate atb with them jay
  8. good job mate hope to see more pics of your kills soon atb jay
  9. it a nice dog i would have it any day of the week it is in mint condition atb jay
  10. if i was you lad i wud go for a 3/8 5/8 bull greyhound you will never look back i aint atb jay
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