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Posts posted by katewoo

  1. As a few of you know Dolly was covered by Bigland Boy just over 9 weeks ago. Dolly gave birth Sunday night ( Her 63rd day )early hours monday morn to a litter of 8 healthy pup's, 7 boy's and 1 girl :) looking foward to seeing how these pup's come on ;)























    [/quotecrackers brad, as i have said before dolly is an awesome stafford and by the sounds the sire is awesome to good luck, atb matt

  2. Nothing wrong with a dash of deerhound blood in this day and age but it's finding the right blood to use. It is out there but hard to find, i inquired about a litter of first crosses recently only to find out that the sire was just a pet owned by a bloke who just likes the breed. :whistling:


    Good post Butler, I would think the same could be said of bull blood as well.



    To some extent that is true but the thing with bull IMO is it takes more away from a "RUNNING" dog than it puts in (yards count in this game). It also takes alot of breeding out as it is very dominant and shows through 5,6,7 generations down the line. You don't need bull to put that do or die attitude in a dog selective breeding of the right lurcher lines will do that for you. To be honest a dog doesn't need to be game in the truest sense of the word to take deer large or small because most of the time the dog is the aggressor and the deer doesn't want the fight.Yes you will get the odd one stand his ground at certain times of year I've even seen roe do it but even this shouldn't course a problem to a seasoned dog.I've heard all the horror story's of dogs being gored and scrubbed into the ground but if they know the job they soon learn to take care of the front end before it can course them any trouble. If they don't then they are not DEER dogs IMO and should be taken out of any breeding program as sub standard dogs of any breed should not be tolarated................But them days are gone and even if the hunting act is over turned i doubt we would get them back but it is good to talk about it.

    Good post mate, but i disagree with you about the gameness part a bit, most dogs will chase deer but if you out 5 nights a week ,month in month out you need a game/hard dog with all the knocks /bumps etc they pick up, ive seen dogs look like world beaters at start of their deer career but after a while they dont run so hard or look so keen, also seen dogs belive it or not stop chasing deer with head gear(antlers) and only run does/hinds it takes a good dog to run them hard night after night,month after month ,plus with the goring part when the buck/stag has a enough and stands for dog there certain places in britain where this happens all the time through out year and not just in rut and 9/10 dog will deal with this but belive me good old dogs do get caught from time to time.


  3. another pic of my english bull.7mths old174.jpg


    let me get this right.............is this the dog your thiking of breeding off..?



    yes you got it right first time :toast: maybe, why?


    have the parents worked...and if so by who..and on what..?

    pm me if you like



    why would i want to pm you with such details,like i have said before if she is bred it will be for my stock and a few close friends.

  4. mostly suregrip nice looker did u import/breed it yourself .if not where was the breeder from ? ....


    u can trust the paper workl if u got it off a genuine breeder what registry she with


    not any registery , as i havent filled out the paperwork, ukc i think, didnt see the point,she has more than proved herself to me. :thumbs:

  5. there a bloke i no very local to me who has a dogo from white night kennels .. some of there stock claim to be staight from criadero la cocha .. tbh i thought they were more show type than working strain .. if u have these dogs in mainland u maswell just get a pitbull this a dog that is proven best lb for lb dog in the world .. there are some fantastic exapamples with our neighbours across the water :thumbs:


    have you been on there sites?the dogs i am talking about are in holland,all thouroughly tested .i have seen the white night kennels dogs :whistling:

  6. Woah shes a belter, you must have put a lot of work into her, hats off to ya.


    Ive spoke to a guy on my old board from Southern staffords, not sure if its the lad in the pic.


    I used to run a dog club in the Midlands (WMADA) would have been a great club if the dogs hadnt got human owners lol.


    Really enjoyed ya pics, thankyou :yes:


    humans are the main reason i am spending more time in the field with my dogs. :thumbs:

  7. tbh [bANNED TEXT] he swears by them he loves them tbh lol there are all or nothing dogs but cant finish the game as quick as a bull x grey imo . they are a beautiful looking cross tho and do go big my mates one he bred his self n the sire was a dogo (26tts) and dam was a grey (29tts)dog is 14 months old and is 29 tts already so they do go big ... excellent deer dogs (pre ban)


    i dont think the aluant can be compared with a dogo imo thats one dog i dont rate but everybody to there own just my opinion



    what line is the dogo out of? you do seem to write a dog off by breed you lot.



    unsure of the blood tbh with you but the dog it is out of is called blanca and is just across the channel. works them hogs fantastic but in the same kinda boat as us over there if you know what i mean .. it isnt my dog to put pics up but i will have a word and see if he will let me put his stuff on


    my friends are from la coche and dogo man stock straight out of argentina,all proven :thumbs:

  8. obviosly every one has there own opinions and ive had some very good bullxs but ive had enough of the same thing i would like to try it just to see wat sort of dog you would get


    from what i have seen you will get a good dog as long as the dogo is a goodun,my friends dogos are very level headed dogs and good with the family,you would probably get a better dog because they are bred to run in a pack.



    A cross ive always liked the idea of is the mali x or even a rodesian (but again whos got tested rodesians?

    i have a working am bulldog he is exceptional at all bigger stuff. pre ban of course. jumps gates, runs beam straight in, no fighting. No man agression either unless commanded to. came out of imported hog hammer sperm. it shows in the field, top pet for family too.

    always fancied a dogo tho!



    hog hammer awesome pal,if well bred and socialised am bulls are great bits of kit,my bitch doesent hunt but has done a bit of weight pull 937 kg most weight pulled on tyres.

  9. tbh [bANNED TEXT] he swears by them he loves them tbh lol there are all or nothing dogs but cant finish the game as quick as a bull x grey imo . they are a beautiful looking cross tho and do go big my mates one he bred his self n the sire was a dogo (26tts) and dam was a grey (29tts)dog is 14 months old and is 29 tts already so they do go big ... excellent deer dogs (pre ban)


    i dont think the aluant can be compared with a dogo imo thats one dog i dont rate but everybody to there own just my opinion



    what line is the dogo out of? you do seem to write a dog off by breed you lot.

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