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About sammy

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Hi i have a hob which was vasectomized, he was separated from my jills for 7 months then i re-introduced him bk in to the business & he got 4 of my jills pregnante!!! He went straight 2 the vets & was castrated. It wasn't an error with the vets, some hobs tubes reconnect if they have a high testosterone level. Im just leting u know there is a chance the vasecomy wont work.
  2. Hi i have 8 ferrets & have been keeping them almost 20 yrs. I have a friend who keeps 4 ferrets in her house. They don't smell as bad as mine which live out side in a big cage & run. Castrated or spayed ferrets DO NOT smell as bad as whole hobs or un spayed jills. ( i have a vasectomized hob who dose not smell) House kept ferrets are bathed more regularly so don't smell as much. I found with my friends ferrets that they didn't smell at all. Ferrets tend to smell worse when they are in season to attract the opposite sex. The male will mark almost every thing he touches
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