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Everything posted by kurtrog70

  1. Hi mate, I was in the same position as you this time last year, i got mine in july, with no previous experience whats so ever. i only wish i had two now, but being new i stuck to just the one. As a kit he did bite alot, but with the use of jiff lemon juice on my hands and plenty of handling, he is now great and a bundle of fun. Going to get two more to join him Hope this helps ATB Kurt
  2. I bought a pair of leather karrimor boots, best pair ever. £50, cant go wrong
  3. From the shop i got mine. Good quality too
  4. I bought my mesh from wilkinson, about £4 it cost, and its been on my hutch a 12 month, no way my fert can get through it.
  5. Thanks for the comment lads. Exactly what i do stealthy. cant beat watchin the little bugger jumpin around. looking forward to adding some more. ATB Kurt
  6. Hi mate iv had a similer problem on my springer, would be bang on one min then the next shots would go everywhere. but in my case the scope was knackered, the recoil would knock everything back out of place soon as i took a shot.
  7. Ah right , yeah iv put a tempary peice of wood there, its not %100 completed yet see. wood chip sounds good, but i thought the concrete floor would be abit better so it could wear down their nails.
  8. Okay thanks Mate, Once a week it is ATB Kurt
  9. Hi mate thanks for your reply, i dont understand what you mean by putting a wood panel across the lower half of the door . could you explain more please? Thanks Kurt
  10. Y is liver no good mate? Iv been giving him a little bit of heart and a little bit of liver each day. seems to like it anyway ATB Kurt
  11. Cheers =]. My Mate piched all that from work for me , didnt put my hand in my pocket, apart from the roof (£20).
  12. Thanks Mate, Yeah thats what i do. let him out in the morning then put him back late evening. Looking forward to getting a few more to join him. =]
  13. Lol , i had just the one last august (first one) going to get a few more in the summer.
  14. Need ideas on what to put in there?
  15. I got my ferret, 3 lambs hearts and liver yesterday. any good? cost me a fiver
  16. how long does it all take to be done?
  17. i phoned the vets today and it would cost me £70 to get my hob vasectamized
  18. Thanks for all your replies guys, my mind is at rest nw. Two jills it is =] Thanks again Kurt
  19. Do the jills sleep in with the hob? or are the jills seperated. Recently built a shed for the ferret so room is not an issue. ATB Kurt
  20. Thanks for the reply mate. If i was to get two jills, and get the hob castrated would they get along fine together?
  21. HI There, Got an 8 month old hob, but im thinking of getting two more in the summer. does anyone now how the hob would react to two new ferrets please?( hasnt been with another ferret since he was a kit. any advice would be much appreciated. ATB Kurt
  22. How do i become a donator then? would really like to upload photos thanks
  23. Does anyone have any expierences of this? good bargain? http://www.aldi.co.uk/uk/html/offers/58_7351.htm ATB Kurt
  24. Hi mate, Just wondering if ull be putting a silencer on the gun? if so which one? i put the AA Silencer on my 510, but makes the barrel really long. defeats the object of the carbine. ATB Kurt
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