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Everything posted by kurtrog70

  1. Thanks for the reply mate. We put them together on the 12th of April, but they were only in for a couple of hours so we then stuck them back together a week later (7days) they were with each other for around 5 hours that day. Do you think she is having a phantom pregnancy? ATB Kurt
  2. Hi All, I mated my hob with a mates jill on the 19th of aprill, which means she was due at the end of last month/begining of this month, but still no sign of kits! i went to see the jill earlyer and she is looking big, her nipples are massive and she is losing hair. Can a ferrets pregnancy last over 42/43 days? or do you think its a phantom pregnancy? Your advice would be appreciated Thanks Kurt
  3. I have the Webley xocet xs, Cracking Little springer ATB Kurt
  4. I got the mesh from wilkinsons. Cant go wrong for £4. Really good! ATB Kurt
  5. Hi mate, did u do that picture using chairgun pro? or was it another programme? ATB Kurt
  6. i have a webley xocet .22 they shot okay at about 15-20 yards other than that they were crap. also shot in .177 with my airarms 510 and they are no good what so ever. I have also heard that they leave a plastic coating in the barrel after being fired down the barrel? (dont know if that true) but i would never buy them again or recomend them! ATB Kurt
  7. Hi mate i had a ferret last summer and i had never handled one before, he bit for the first week or two and i must admit my hand had been cut up. but after the first couple of weeks he was great. just got to make sure theres plenty of handling!!! ATB Kurt
  8. Flip flops would be fine
  9. Hi mate, you would be very very lucky to get a pre charged air rifle with £150. You could get a half decent springer withat money though! ATB Kurt
  10. Heres mine. Not %100 completed yet though
  11. You will be one lucky man if you get that ATB Kurt
  12. It was just like a little red mark. Iv just put her back in with him now, and they going for it again. he seems to be humping her back is that normal lol? Thanks for your replies All advice appreiciated. Kurt
  13. Thanks for the reply. We did that, he ragged her around the whole time she was in with him, but things did start to cool down so we thought that would of been enough, its the first time we have bred ferrets so it trial and error with us. he managed to cut her aswell in that short time i wouldnt like to think what it would be li9ke after a couple of days. i shal put the jill back in with him today, Thanks Again Kurt
  14. Hi mate try the airgun section, you might get more luck in there
  15. Hi there, One of my mates put his jill in with my hob today but they were only together about 2 hours? Do you think the deed would of been done in that time? Thanks Kurt
  16. What do you all think of the MK2 locators?
  17. I think the last time i bought AAF 177 i payed just under a tenner around xmas time last year. (gun shop)
  18. Moses are them colors and the locator in good working order? im also after a locator and colour c, and iv always been weary of buying of ebay. Thanks Kurt
  19. Yeah was good, was my first time and i really enjoyed.
  20. where in Caerphilly isit? Do you have a post code for the place? Thanks Kurt
  21. Could be down to the time of year mate. Weight may fluctuate as they come in and out of season.
  22. Aaron do they use a pop hole to get into there beds ? they are moulting out now as well so the thinning coat could be that My ferret uses a hole to get to his bed and he has a little bald area. i didnt think it could of been that. learn summin new everyday
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