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Everything posted by kurtrog70

  1. I had a rapid and didnt like it atall, swopped it for a aas510. Awsome gun! ATB Kurt
  2. That was when i first put it up. Been improved since. ATB Kurt
  3. Can someone tell me where I can get my.hands on a tide book please Thanks Kurt
  4. Thanks for replying stubby, perhaps i should of worded my post a little differently, as i would never put a LIVE ANIMAL under any unnessary stress. Hi longnetter thanks for your reply also. =] I live in cwmaman which is a little village in the s wales valleys, Cwmavon is around 50 minutes away from me. ATB Kurt
  5. Thanks for that mate. Going to do the same, wait until she bulks up then put them together. Thanks Atb Kurt
  6. Dont you love it when you have someone asking for a little advice and someone comes back with a sarcy useless answer! as per usual. as it happens i had some idea, hence the fact iv kept them both seperate from eachother, (seperate hutches) as stated!!. just wanted someone with a higher knowledge than me to say their bit! This site will soon be pointless for novices to put a query for others to shed their experiences to help others! cheers for useless help stubby! probly delete this post anyway ATB kurt
  7. I think you should, iv put two mesh windows on mine, keeps the place well ventilated at all times! not just in the daytime. ATB Kurt
  8. Hi there, i got a little jill kit yesterday to go with my one year old hob. their both in seperate cages. But everytime i put them together for a little while he sniffs her then latches on to her neck, is this normal because of the time of year? also evertime the kit sees the hob she starts squeeling, is this normal? Thanks Kurt
  9. Put lemon juice on ur hands. Thats way I did with great effect!
  10. My hob has been on his own since he was a kit, hes great, no problems with him atall. I will be getting him some company this year though! ATB Kurt
  11. Ferretone is good, but when i had my kit i rubbed lemon juice over my hands. That soon put a stop to the biting. ATB Kurt
  12. Thanks alot mate. ill pass that on ATB Kurt
  13. Fienwerkbau 300s. Dont know if that is spelt right tho. Thanks Kurt
  14. i was wondering if any of you know where i could purchase a rear diopter for a target gun? Thanks Kurt
  15. Nice one mate. i Got the 510 in 177 aswell. How do you find them rws superfields? i use air arms field and can get near enough pellet on pellet with them at 30 mtrs. ATB Kurt
  16. I asked them same question a few months ago, i was told that liver is too rich to feed everyday. ATB Kurt
  17. Thanks for the replies, just thought id give it a go. something different. heart and Kidney i mainly feed him. ATB Kurt
  18. While on the subject of ferret food... is mince beef anygood to feed them? thanks Kurt
  19. Shay Must have a money tree at the bottom of the garden lol. (i want one). Good little springer them shay. i started off with one. ATB Kurt
  20. Thanks For all your replies Yep seen them going for it and the noises, he was carrying her around the lot. Still no sign of little ones, very doubtful that any kits will come. ATB Kurt
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