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Everything posted by -=Magwitch=-

  1. I find his stuff a little over engineered for lurchers..........................
  2. how do we know thats you?....................................
  3. 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy..............................
  4. a couple of pictures from last week and a few from last night.....................................
  5. Frontline spot on for cats........................used it a few weeks ago, got it from Asda chemist. its very good and doesnt enter the bloodstream like the spray.
  6. Would like to here a few tales from seasons past, things that make a particular day stick in your mind for a very long time..................
  7. Thanks for the info Leeview it shows you very knowledgeable about this particular strain, I will give you a mention in the book (for a small fee)..........................................
  8. I am currently researching for a new book on old working strains of ferret like Welsh ratters, greyhound and so forth, I am interested in a Yorkshire strain called "the Chutney ferret" widely used up and around the Dales. Any information much appriecated.........................
  9. Sent my renewal for my shotty cert a few weeks before it ran out on the 8th of April, and it arrived yesterday.............................
  10. Another unlucky rabbit..................................
  11. The unlucky rabbit........................
  12. The lucky rabbit......................
  13. Just keep an eye on your pugs during this horrible hot weather they don't enjoy it and its a killer......................................
  14. Can anyone recommend a good shampoo for my dog or would head and shoulders or Vosene be OK?.........................................
  15. poo music..............

  16. No Hawker's please.............

  17. How could you tell was it the one big eye in the centre of his forehead?
  18. I only shoot to about 60 yards because the red filter cuts the beam down quite alot and we only want clean head shot kills. Its a .22 Rimmy so its a FAC.............................
  19. Its the Romanymarsh to Dymchurch................
  20. bakes a nice cake........................

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