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Everything posted by -=Magwitch=-

  1. Next your be telling us you went lamping with a CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................................
  2. Willow is a Lakeland cross Russell she comes in handy when hedgerow hunting and where I cant't use the Whippet cross...........................
  3. Maybe thats why I don't get many invites ....................................
  4. Spot on but not many wabbits..............................
  5. She normally bites them in half saves us gutting them later............................
  6. No I aint that silly and he could do with all the exercise he can get................................
  7. Not the most productive day but out never the less. Mixy as thinned the rabbits right out in the orchards and the farmer is putting more and more restrictions on where and when we ferret mostly due to the shoot and his poxy pheasants. Doing buries that would normally hold a good number of rabbits we were lucky to get one's and two's today..............................very disappointing 8 rabbits in total.
  8. I now keep Whippet type ferrets as the greyhound type cost too much to feed.....................
  9. 3/4 Whippet 1/4 beddy smooth jacket..................
  10. this years youngster just starting out........... and a couple of 2 year old veterans............. Cowsface................. Sir Ted of Teddlington......................
  11. Its the only show I make a point of going to, love the animals and a good mix of people....................
  12. wat was it about ? did you see it mate,1 bloody hit gary colefield went down like a bag of shit,apparantly about this site and all and dog stealing spoke to GC earlier , he said he was hit on the sly while he was stood with his 11 year old son ...someone told him it was a great big fat bloke with a bald head. Not a bad shot though he laughed LOL me and my wife have known Gary for over 20 years , he isnt on this Huntinglife site , so why would he be involved with this , also he has never stolen a dog ever ..there are a few members on here that will vouch for that including myse
  13. A few picture's from Sunday..................................
  14. The new MK4 as a MP3 player built in.....................................
  15. Mixy as hit the orchards quite bad this year and the numbers are way down compared to last season, but never the less me and Tony wanting to show willing had a pleasant morning out with the animals and ended up with a respectable 15 rabbits.
  16. They are all the ones that didn't make the grade, the orchard was picked a few days ago.................
  17. Me and Tony had a few hours out this morning in the 10 acre orchard and to be honest the rabbits were a bit thin on the ground, we normally get good numbers out of here but today just 9 rabbits.
  18. How come you got a sneak preview of Miss January from The Hunting life calender?..........................
  19. Posted........................
  20. PM your address and I will send you 13 spares.....................
  21. Drink the piss and get rid of the evidance......................hope that helps.
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