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Everything posted by adammubu

  1. so am i still ok to go on that land? and just pick the good from bad?
  2. just got my first permission yesterday, two parts of it. one of which is a farm. the other is an uninhabited woodland. the farm recently had mink in, but the numbers and rapidly increasing. the woodland on the other hand, used to have mixi but its gone and the numbers are recovering. just wondering if the land would still be good to ferret come september on the mixi land or will there still be a danger of picking up mixi rabbits. also, if i was to get a mixi rabbit, how would i tell? thanks, adam.
  3. thanks for the replies. and no, i dont really know the other ferreters very well. hes just the person i bought three of my kits from. and the only other person i know that goes ferreting. so i asked him. but yeah, im going to go up today and ask. i think im going to take my brother with me because he's a little more confident than i am. fingers crossed it will go ok. adam,
  4. hi all. im looking around for permission around my area. and my brother stumbled across a farm a while back that said they had a problem with rabbits and he told them that i kept ferrets and was wanting to work them. the only thing is, im worried about going up to see the farmer as i am only 15 years old and this will be my first season of ferreting so im very unexperienced. if permission is given though. i do have some experienced people coming with me to show me how its done. any tips of advice to how i should go about asking the farmer, without making myself look incapable, and not want him
  5. very much! and will do
  6. ive got a year old hob, that has been castrated one week ago. and three kits 11 weeks old. i was expecting to wait about 6-7 weeks to put the castrated hob with the kits to let the hormones settle down, as before, he would try and mount them and all that. but yesterday, i tried them out together, just to get them to be used to eachother. and they got on! a little squabble at first. but after that, all they would do was play for the rest of the day, and have just spent their first night together!
  7. hi all. just sent my 1 year old hob off for castration. and was wondering how long i will have to wait to put him in together with my kits. as i hear its a while as the hormones are still going around? thanks
  8. thanks for the advice. going to get him so chicken or turkey today. yeah he is still drinking so ok. and i dont think so, they are about 6 meteres away and around the corner. so i dont think so. but he does go wild when we take the kits out on the back garden. (his cage is just infront of the garden). also, once he has been castrated how long will take for his hormones to settle down and to introduce him with the kits? thanks
  9. hi, ive had a sandy hob for about 2 months now. he's a year old and hes been fine up untill now, eating well, crapping well and everything, also he is in heat. but last week i broguht back three new kits, for him to be with, as he has been alone for all this time. but when we did,(i got two jill kits and a hob) he'd start mounting the jills and just fighting the hob. so ive had to seperate them. they're in completely seperate cages now, but the sandy hob is still going crazy. he's got the 'rats tail' ive read about. he's lost hair on the end of his tail and you can actually see the skin and fl
  10. got a ferret for the first time recently, and i want to work him. but at the moment a bit short of money, and was wondering if anyone knew where i could get a cheap ferrting locator and collar?
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