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Everything posted by paintinghelen

  1. NOT EVERYONE CUP OF TEA BUT IN THE NNNNEEEEEDDDDDDYYYY CIRCUMSTANCES...SHOCK COLLAR tried it once but she managed to wriggle out so that she dislodged the prongs and then hot footed it over the fields and far away! so not too keen on trying that one again
  2. OK Thanks everyone - am now off to large field with training line and lots of treats but not sure about how to get hold of a rabbit skin lure unless I just pick up a bit of road kill!
  3. Hi everyone, I'm posting in the hope that anyone might be able to tell me whether or not I will ever get a reliable recall out in open spaces with lurchers that have been allowed free will to chase whatever they wanted? They are both 3 years old and very good in other respects but totally unreliable in large open spaces. Any advice would be gratefully accepted.
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