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About Sunray

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    South Cheshire
  1. Another vote for the CZ452 American. I have two of them, a 17HMR and a .22LR, both with 16 inch barrels. A friend had a Varmint version of the 22LR but found it too heavy to cart around for hours at a time and he changed it for the American version after he tried mine. I would still fit a sling though! Chris
  2. I like Fiocchi 32g no. 6 and have used more of them than any other cartridge on pigeons and crows this summer. I have used Pigeon 32 but don't find them as smooth on the shoulder so I decided to compare the two cartridges, and a lot of others, during the depths of last winter. I opened up each cartridge and counted the number of pellets (I was really bored that day!) and measured the diameter of 10 pellets from each cartridge. The numbers of pellets varied quite a bit, the PL32 contained 328, the Pigeon 32 had 258. The average pellet size showed that the PL32 was a genuine UK number 6 shot wh
  3. My usual ratio of kills to misses is around 1 to 1.5, sometimes a bit better on a good day. I use a Winchester English Field 12g with fairly open chokes over decoys and seem to do OK. I have wanted a traditional short barrelled skeet gun for some time and last week managed to buy a Miroku 800S. It has 26 inch barrels and the chokes are the equivalent of slightly open 1/4 and 1/4. I fired over decoys on stubble on a local farm just to try it out and got 9 from 9! I then went to the skeet ground and broke the first 8 clays. My results are calming down a bit now, 5 from 6 last time over the decoy
  4. Sunray


    I was there yesterday! I have been a member for three years and shoot there about twice per month. As I am retired I tend to go during the week, but bear in mind that they are closed each Monday and Tuesday. The variety, quality, and accessability of the various types of shooting, i.e., Skeet, DTL, Sporting, High Tower etc. are better than any other ground that I know. The method of payment, ie a counter which you take around with you, means that you can move around according to how the mood takes you and you do not have to pay per round of Skeet as in other grounds. Membership is about £60 p
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