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Posts posted by stella123

  1. Last one for us. After a long day of walking we get a mark on the edge of a field. After some time locating & pauses in baying we decide he's digging on. As we've had 2 others In this earth already earlyer in the season, & know it's a very tight spot. After 2 hour or more we grow impatient and decide to open a hole up. No fox in sight. Jack was not giving in but simply could not get through the earth. Although he hasn't got the biggest of chest. I went and got my small jack Russell, more of a family pet as she was my brothers. She's around 6 or 7 and is more of a bolting dog as she doesn't stay too long. But can run even the tightest of earths.

    We collar her up & entre her and within no time can be herd baying. 30minutes goes by still baying steady, it's now getting late and starting to rain with only one thing left to do dig. 1.2m of clay we break through to Stella having a great time' with the fox a little further on. We've never had a straight faward dig in this earth although not the deepest it's just so unpredictable. I'm sure you all know what I mean. Hope you all had a great season.


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  2. Pups first dig. His always been keen dog, searching the bushes checking earths etc. around a month ago we found a fox to ground with him. Went in had a little bark but nothing consistent, and came out after about 10mins. A surprise to us as we thought he was going to hit the ground running. So we entered a more experienced dog. A few weeks went by still getting him out checking earths, with a another dog double checking.


    Anyway this time we took him out on his own as the others needed resting up.

    Wasn't till mid day, just letting him run off the lead he goes down a bank and enters an earth. From the top of the bank we hear a few bays. I run down to the bottom where there is normally a small stream but with all the rain is more like a river. There was two eyes, looked in one and it was flooded but the other was okay. I thought he won't be long, had a locate but couldn't get nothing steady. So I sat further up the bank.a few minutes goes by a fox bolts out the earth runs about 20 yards along the river and strangely slips into another earth. Jack comes out but for some reason isn't interested in the other earth and goes back to the first one. Has another search around, but finds nothing.


    Goes back to the other earth, and this time after searching finds his opponent, and starts baying away. Now this is not like before. Jack is staying and his bay is very consistent. Get a stead locate of 1.4m. Takes me a good hour before breaking through. Jack right up with his quarry giving everything his got. He is now removed and fox is dispatched.


    Well done to jack! Very pleased with him. I know he still has a long way to go but hope he continues. It was a big lesson to me. To see a dog come on, and to never write a dog off to fast. As I am young in my hunting career. And so is jack 10 months now.



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  3. Last few weeks out, got a mark on the edge of a field. late in the day at 1.2m before long breaking through in a very tight tube to dog and vixen.


    Had another in a large earth that starts at the bottom off a bank, lucky enough we located down on reasonably flat ground at 1.4m. Ground was really lose sand, easy going but very dangerous, & had to be very steady at the end. This time a small vixen.

    A photo of buck after doing his job.


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  4. Out again with dogs started about 9:00 looked around for a few hours with no luck. Decided to check some earths on reasonable steep bank. Let buck enter, he knew something was home and was moving around quite a lot to start with. After about half hour we got a mark at 3m. It was right next to a big tree, the roots to start with was a nightmare. After a few hours digging I knew I needed to call for back up, my brother came and joined in. We carried on into darkness, and eventually broke threw to a very big vixen. Dog removed and fox dispatched. Thanks brother the beers are on me!

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  5. Hi,


    Out this morning with the terriers. First earth we came to check, dogs were keen something was home. Let buck enter and within a few minutes, he was still and the box read 2. We waited a while but still no movement. So started to dig, ground was pretty easy , 2 hours later I broke through. Dog removed and fox dispatched.post-38877-0-45064400-1382292816_thumb.jpgpost-38877-0-98144200-1382293051.jpgpost-38877-0-72949800-1382293075_thumb.jpg

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